Crate crypter

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The crypter crate provides Rust and FFI for encryption and decryption using AES-GCM-SIV 256-bits.

To enable the C api, the feature ffi must be enabled. To enable the WASM api, the feature wasm must be enabled. See the examples for working FFI applications.


let key = get_key();
let payload = "mega ultra safe payload";

let encrypted = crypter::encrypt(key, payload).expect("Failed to encrypt");
let decrypted = crypter::decrypt(key, encrypted).expect("Failed to decrypt");
println!("{}", String::from_utf8(decrypted).expect("Invalid decrypted string"));

FFI examples

C example: example.c

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

#include <crypter.h>

const char * get_key();

int main() {
  const char *key = get_key();
  const char *payload = "mega ultra safe payload";

  CrypterCSlice key_slice = {.ptr = (const unsigned char *)key, .len = strlen(key)};

  CrypterRustSlice encrypted = crypter_encrypt(
      key_slice, (CrypterCSlice){.ptr = (const unsigned char *)payload,
                                 .len = strlen(payload)});

  CrypterCSlice encrypted_slice = {.ptr = encrypted.ptr, .len = encrypted.len};

  CrypterRustSlice decrypted = crypter_decrypt(key_slice, encrypted_slice);

  if (decrypted.ptr) {
    for (int i = 0; i < decrypted.len; i++) {
      if (decrypted.ptr[i] == 0) {
      } else {
  } else {
    puts("Null return");


Lua example: example.lua

local ffi = require('ffi')

  typedef struct Slice { uint8_t * ptr; size_t len; } Slice;
  typedef struct RustSlice { uint8_t * ptr; size_t len; size_t capacity; } RustSlice;

  RustSlice crypter_encrypt(struct Slice key, struct Slice payload);
  RustSlice crypter_decrypt(struct Slice key, struct Slice payload);

local function slice_from_str(text)
  local slice ='Slice')

  slice.ptr = ffi.cast('uint8_t *', text)
  slice.len = string.len(text)
  return slice

local function relax_rust_slice(rust_slice)
  local slice ='Slice')

  slice.ptr = rust_slice.ptr
  slice.len = rust_slice.len
  return slice

crypter = ffi.load('crypter')

local key = require('my_key_getter').get_key()
local encrypted = crypter.crypter_encrypt(key, slice_from_str('mega ultra safe payload'))
local decrypted = crypter.crypter_decrypt(key, relax_rust_slice(encrypted))

if decrypted.ptr ~= nil then
  print(ffi.string(decrypted.ptr, decrypted.len))
  print('Failed roud trip')

WASM example: index.html

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
    <script type="module">
      import init from "./crypter.js";

      init("./crypter_bg.wasm").then(() => {
        const crypter = import('./crypter.js');
        crypter.then(c => {
          const encoder = new TextEncoder();
          const key = encoder.encode('supersecret'); // Bad key. Just as an example
          const encrypted = c.encrypt(key, encoder.encode('mega ultra safe payload'));
          const decrypted = c.decrypt(key, encrypted);
          console.log('Encrypted: ', new TextDecoder().decode(decrypted));


  • ffiffi
    FFI bindings for crypter
  • streamstream
    Stream support for AES-GCM-SIV 256-bits encrypting and decrypting in chunks.
  • wasmwasm
    WASM bindings for crypter


  • Decrypts the payload with AES256 GCM SIV
  • Encrypts the payload with AES256 GCM SIV. The iv is randomly generated for each call