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pub use borsh;
pub use indexer::AllAny;


TODO: Write big docs here

Account types list of a program.

Standard account types. These are all optional, you can build your own if you don’t like something in one of them.

Numbers that can be decompressed/compressed on read/write

Contains all the entrypoint functions to start a program.

Custom Error support.

Indexing helpers, specifically for AllAny.

An individual instruction for a program.

A list of instructions serving as an interface and entrypoint for the program.

Automatic size calculation for on-chain data. Derive not created yet, must be done manually for now.

Support for type based PDAs

Programs as accounts support. Will eventually support InstructionLists and interfaces.

Additional serializable types

Helper utility functions


Implements AccountArgument for a type with a certain accessor.

The entrypoint macro, replaces solana_program::entrypoint macro. Requires a function that can be passed to entry.

Similar to the entrypoint macro but only requires passing a type that implements InstructionList.

Implementations for a type that impls AccountInfo.

Print a message to the log.

Verifies a given type implements the proper traits


CPI functions that check each account for outstanding usages. Less efficient than CPIUnchecked but will avoid unsafe situations. Suggested to use this for validation and then swap to CPIUnchecked. Uses solana_program::program::invoke_signed

CPI functions that doesn’t check each account for outstanding usages. Can result in unsafe situations but is more efficient than CPIChecked. Uses solana_program::program::invoke_signed_unchecked

A custom version of Solana’s AccountInfo that allows for owner changes.

Account information

Describes a single account read or written by a program during instruction execution.

A directive for a single invocation of a Solana program.


General errors issued by the generator.

Auto-generated discriminant enum variants


A trait representing accounts on Solana. Can take many different forms.

A trait representing accounts on Solana. Can take many different forms. Use AccountInfo.

A way of executing CPI calls

Account info can safely assign the owner.

Account info can safely assign the owner. Use SafeOwnerChange.

Account info can safely realloc.

Account info can safely realloc. Use SafeRealloc.

Account info can be turned into a SolanaAccountInfo.

Account info can be turned into a SolanaAccountInfo. Use ToSolanaAccountInfo.

Type Definitions

A version of Result returned by many cruiser functions.

UnixTimestamp is an approximate measure of real-world time, expressed as Unix time (ie. seconds since the Unix epoch)