Crate crossroads

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A proc macro that turns one function into many - along user-defined forks points.

Motivation and Usage

This crate allows you to define multiple functions sharing significant part of their logic. To understand why this is useful, consider the following example for a set of unit tests (the #[test] attribute is only commented out to have these be picked up by doctest):

use std::collections::HashMap;

// #[test]
fn empty_be_default() {
    let map: HashMap<String, usize> = Default::default();

// #[test]
fn empty_after_clear() {
    let mut map: HashMap<String, usize> = Default::default();

    map.insert("test".to_string(), 1);


// #[test]
fn empty_after_remove() {
    let mut map: HashMap<String, usize> = Default::default();

    map.insert("test".to_string(), 1);


With this crate, you can write the following instead:

use std::collections::HashMap;
use crossroads::crossroads;

// #[test]
fn empty() {
    let mut map: HashMap<String, usize> = Default::default();

    match fork!() {
        by_default => {}
        after_add => {
            map.insert("Key".to_owned(), 1337);
            match fork!() {
                and_remove => map.remove("Key"),
                and_clear => map.clear(),


The #[crossroads] macro will replace the function with as many functions as there are distinct paths through your fork points. In this case, it will generate:

// #[test]
fn empty_by_default() { /* ... */ }
// #[test]
fn empty_after_add_and_remove() { /* ... */ }
// #[test]
fn empty_after_add_and_clear() { /* ... */ }

The contents of the methods are the result of replacing the match expressions with a block containing the expression specified in the corresponding match arms.

You can find the above example in the examples folder and confirm that it will indeed produce the following output when run as a test:

running 3 tests
test empty_by_default ... ok
test empty_after_add_and_clear ... ok
test empty_after_add_and_remove ... ok

Questions and Answers

  1. Why did you decide to use the match-based syntax and not implement a new one? The main reason for using the match syntax in the way this crate does is to make it as compatible as possible with code formattting tools such as rustfmt. See the select! macros used in the async context for an example of issues a new syntax can cause.

Attribute Macros

An attribute macro that can be placed above FnItems, i.e. freestanding functions everywhere. It will replace the function with a set of functions induced by the different paths through the function along the match fork!() { a => { ... }, ... } points, where the name of the function is induced by the sequence of the identifier specified in the patterns of the match branches used with the for that specific function instance.