Macro crossmist::lambda

source ยท
macro_rules! lambda {
    (|| $($items:tt)*) => { ... };
    (|$($items:tt)*) => { ... };
    (move($($moved_vars:tt)*) || $($items:tt)*) => { ... };
    (move($($moved_vars:tt)*) |$($items:tt)*) => { ... };
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A short-cut for turning a (possible capturing) closure into an object function, just like as if #[func] was used.

Syntax is similar to that of closure, except that types of all arguments and the type of the return value are not inferred. Additionally, all moved values have to be listed manually, indicating how they are captured.

Simplest example:

fn main() {
    let func = lambda! { |a: i32, b: i32| -> i32 { a + b } };
    assert_eq!(, 7).unwrap(), 12);

With captures:

fn main() {
    let a = 5;
    let func = lambda! { move(a: i32) |b: i32| -> i32 { a + b } };
    // run/spawn do not work directly, but you may still call/pass the function
    assert_eq!(func.call_object((7,)), 12);
    assert_eq!(, 7).unwrap(), 12);

fn gate(f: Box<dyn FnOnceObject<(i32,), Output = i32>>, arg: i32) -> i32 {

f.call_object_once((arg,)) can be replaced with f(arg) if the nightly feature is enabled.

Captuing more complex objects (type annotations are provided for completeness and are unnecessary):

let a = "Hello, ".to_string();
// a is accessible by value when the lambda is executed
let prepend_hello: Box<dyn FnOnceObject<(&str,), Output = String>> =
    lambda! { move(a: String) |b: &str| -> String { a + b } };
assert_eq!(prepend_hello.call_object_once(("world!",)), "Hello, world!".to_string());
// Can only be called once. The line below fails to compile when uncommented:
// assert_eq!(prepend_hello.call_object_once(("world!",)), "Hello, world!".to_string());
let cache = vec![0, 1];
// cache is accessible by a mutable reference when the lambda is executed
let mut fibonacci: Box<dyn FnMutObject<(usize,), Output = u32>> = lambda! {
    move(&mut cache: &mut Vec<u32>) |n: usize| -> u32 {
        while cache.len() <= n {
            cache.push(cache[cache.len() - 2..].iter().sum());
assert_eq!(fibonacci.call_object_mut((3,)), 2);
// Can be called multiple types, but has to be mutable
assert_eq!(fibonacci.call_object_mut((6,)), 8);
let s = "Hello, world!".to_string();
// s is accessible by an immutable reference when the lambda is executed
let count_occurrences: Box<dyn FnObject<(char,), Output = usize>> =
    lambda! { move(&s: &String) |c: char| -> usize { s.matches(c).count() } };
assert_eq!(count_occurrences.call_object(('o',)), 2);
// Can be called multiple times and be immutable
assert_eq!(count_occurrences.call_object(('e',)), 1);