



Add linker args for quad engine using NDK versions <=22

Copy lib into out_dir then add this lib into apk file

Adds given lib and all reletad libs into APK

Adds given lib and all reletad libs into APK. Uses readelf, aapt tools

Aligns APK on 4-byte memory boundary. Uses zipalign build tools

Attach logger to device with filter that filters only App Stdout or Stderr. Runsadb logcat --pid=adb shell pidof -s`` command

Attach logger to device with filter that passes only Rust Stdout or Stderr. Runsadb logcat RustStdoutStderr:D '*:S' command

Helper function that allows to return environment argument with specified tool

Returns current android target. Runs adb shell getprop ro.product.cpu.abi command

Allows to extract files from generated APK to use that to generate .aab

Resolves native library using search paths

Allows to generate aab from archive with files extracted from apk or set of archives to specified storage

Generates keystore with default configuration. You can manage configuration with options

Generates minimal unsigned aab

Generates unaligned APK with given manifest_path, assets and res. Uses aapt build tool

Allows to generate archive from files extracted from APK

Return all files in directory with .so ending

Find gradle executable file in and initialize it

Installs given APK in emulator or connected device. Runs adb install -r ... command

Replace libgcc file with unwind. libgcc was removed in ndk versions >=23. This is workaround for gcc not found issue.

Returns path to NDK provided make

Replace cmd with new arguments. For more information see the [Target Selection]

Read file and deserializes AndroidManifest.xml into AndroidManifest

List all linked shared libraries

Update needed_libs hashset with given lib and all related libs. Note: libc++ is not a system lib. If you use, it must be included in your APK.

Helper function to delete files

Saves given manifest in new AndroidManifest.xml file

Search dylibs in given deps_dir

Sets needed environment variables

Signs APK with given key. Uses apksigner build tool

Installing APK or AAB on emulator or connected device. Runs adb shell am start ... command

Write a CMake toolchain which will remove references to the rustc build target before including the NDK provided toolchain. The NDK provided android toolchain will set the target appropriately Returns the path to the generated toolchain file

Moving AndroidManifest.xml file into directory to write files to archive

Writing files into archive