Crate croncat_tasks

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CronCats tasks contract

Tasks contract queries:

ConfigGets the tasks contract configuration
CurrentTaskInfoGets current task information
TasksWithQueriesTotalGet the total amount of tasks with queries
TasksGet list of active tasks, without queries
TasksWithQueriesGet list of active tasks, with queries
TaskSimulate task_hash by the given task
SlotHashesGet slot hashes by given slot
SlotIdsGet active slots
CurrentTaskGet next task to be done
CurrentTaskWithQueriesGet task with queries if it’s ready
TasksByOwnerGet tasks created by the given address

Tasks contract actions:

UpdateConfigUpdates the tasks contract config
CreateTaskAllows any user or contract to pay for future txns based on a specific schedule contract
RemoveTaskDeletes a task in its entirety, returning any remaining balance to task owner
RemoveTaskByManagerRemove task, used by the manager if task reached it’s stop condition
RescheduleTaskTry to reschedule a task, if possible, used by the manager

