Function croaring_sys::roaring_bitmap_to_bitset

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pub unsafe extern "C" fn roaring_bitmap_to_bitset(
    r: *const roaring_bitmap_t,
    bitset: *mut bitset_t,
) -> bool
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Store the bitmap to a bitset. This can be useful for people who need the performance and simplicity of a standard bitset. We assume that the input bitset is originally empty (does not have any set bit).

bitset_t * out = bitset_create(); // if the bitset has content in it, call “bitset_clear(out)” bool success = roaring_bitmap_to_bitset(mybitmap, out); // on failure, success will be false. // You can then query the bitset: bool is_present = bitset_get(out, 10011 ); // you must free the memory: bitset_free(out);