Function croaring_sys::roaring_bitmap_serialize

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pub unsafe extern "C" fn roaring_bitmap_serialize(
    r: *const roaring_bitmap_t,
    buf: *mut c_char,
) -> usize
Expand description

Write the bitmap to an output pointer, this output buffer should refer to at least roaring_bitmap_size_in_bytes(r) allocated bytes.

See roaring_bitmap_portable_serialize() if you want a format that’s compatible with Java and Go implementations. This format can sometimes be more space efficient than the portable form, e.g. when the data is sparse.

Returns how many bytes written, should be roaring_bitmap_size_in_bytes(r).

This function is endian-sensitive. If you have a big-endian system (e.g., a mainframe IBM s390x), the data format is going to be big-endian and not compatible with little-endian systems.

When serializing data to a file, we recommend that you also use checksums so that, at deserialization, you can be confident that you are recovering the correct data.