zvezda 0.1.4

Simple, fast, lightweight and non-intrusive web library


A web library, not a web framework


One of my big gripes with a lot of these existing web server implementations for rust is that they are all big! You need to look through documentation for 15 minutes and 100 lines of boilerplate to even know what your doing! Thats why I began work on Zvezda.

Running included samples

  1. Clone this repository: https://gitlab.com/inzig0/zvezda.git
  2. cd into the project folder
  3. Run one of the examples:
    • Barebones web server: cargo run --example hello
    • Basic ping-pong web server: cargo run --example echo
    • Simple boilerplate web server: cargo run --example html
    • JSON usage example: cargo run --example json

Including this library in your project

Add this line to your Cargo.toml :

zvezda = "0.1.1"
// OR if you want the git version,
zvezda = { git = "https://gitlab.com/inzig0/zvezda.git" }