zune-jpeg 0.2.0

The fastest jpeg decoder in the west
use std::cmp::{max, min};
use std::convert::TryInto;

/// Limit values to 0 and 255
#[allow(clippy::cast_possible_truncation, clippy::cast_sign_loss, dead_code)]
fn clamp(a: i16) -> u8
    min(max(a, 0), 255) as u8

/// YcbCr to RGBA color conversion

pub fn ycbcr_to_rgba_16_scalar(
    y: &[i16; 16], cb: &[i16; 16], cr: &[i16; 16], output: &mut [u8], pos: &mut usize,
    let (_, output_position) = output.split_at_mut(*pos);

    // Convert into a slice with 64 elements for Rust to see we won't go out of bounds.
    let opt: &mut [u8; 64] = output_position
        .expect("Slice to small cannot write")
    let mut p = 0;
    for (y, (cb, cr)) in y.iter().zip(cb.iter().zip(cr.iter()))
        let cr = cr - 128;

        let cb = cb - 128;

        let r = y + ((45_i16.wrapping_mul(cr)) >> 5);

        let g = y - ((11_i16.wrapping_mul(cb) + 23_i16.wrapping_mul(cr)) >> 5);

        let b = y + ((113_i16.wrapping_mul(cb)) >> 6);

        opt[p] = clamp(r);

        opt[p + 1] = clamp(g);

        opt[p + 2] = clamp(b);

        opt[p + 3] = 255;

        p += 4;
    *pos += 64;

pub fn ycbcr_to_rgb_16_scalar(
    y: &[i16; 16], cb: &[i16; 16], cr: &[i16; 16], output: &mut [u8], pos: &mut usize,
    let mut p = 0;
    let (_, output_position) = output.split_at_mut(*pos);

    // Convert into a slice with 48 elements
    let opt: &mut [u8; 48] = output_position
        .expect("Slice to small cannot write")

    for (y, (cb, cr)) in y.iter().zip(cb.iter().zip(cr.iter()))
        let cr = cr - 128;

        let cb = cb - 128;

        let r = y + ((45_i16.wrapping_mul(cr)) >> 5);

        let g = y - ((11_i16.wrapping_mul(cb) + 23_i16.wrapping_mul(cr)) >> 5);

        let b = y + ((113_i16.wrapping_mul(cb)) >> 6);

        opt[p] = clamp(r);

        opt[p + 1] = clamp(g);

        opt[p + 2] = clamp(b);

        p += 3;

    // Increment pos
    *pos += 48;

pub fn ycbcr_to_grayscale(y: &[i16], width: usize, output: &mut [u8])
    // Convert i16's to u8's
    let temp_output = y.iter().map(|x| *x as u8).collect::<Vec<u8>>();
    // chunk according to width.

    let width_mcu = y.len() / width;

    let width_chunk = y.len() / width_mcu;

    let mut start = 0;

    let mut end = width;

    for chunk in temp_output.chunks_exact(width_chunk)
        // copy data, row wise, we do it row wise to discard fill bits if the
        // image has an uneven width not divisible by 8.

        start += width;
        end += width;

/// Convert YcbCr to YCbCr
/// Basically all we do is remove fill bytes (if there) in the edges
pub fn ycbcr_to_ycbcr(
    channels: &[Vec<i16>; 3], width: usize, h_samp: usize, v_samp: usize, output: &mut [u8],
    // copy to a temporary vector.

    let mcu_chunks = channels[0].len() / (h_samp * v_samp);

    // pixels we write per width. since this is YcbCr we write
    // width times color components.
    let stride = width * 3;

    let mut start = 0;

    let mut end = width * 3;

    let addition = width * 3;

    // width which accounts number of fill bytes
    let width_chunk = mcu_chunks >> 3;
    // vector for temporary storage.
    let mut temp_output = vec![0; width_chunk * 3];

    for ((y_chunk, cb_chunk), cr_chunk) in channels[0]
        // OPTIMIZE-TIP: Don't do loops in Rust, use iterators in such manners to ensure super
        // powers on optimization.
        // Using indexing will cause Rust to do bounds checking and prevent some cool optimization
        // options. See this  compiler-explorer link https://godbolt.org/z/Kh3M43hYr for what I mean.

        for (((y, cb), cr), out) in y_chunk
            out[0] = *y as u8;
            out[1] = *cb as u8;
            out[2] = *cr as u8;


        start += addition;

        end += addition;