zune-inflate 0.2.42

A heavily optimized deflate decompressor in Pure Rust
//! Errors possible when decoding deflate/zlib/gzip
//! streams

use std::fmt::{Debug, Formatter};

/// A struct returned when decompression fails
/// This struct contains two fields,
/// - `error`:Tells you the error that actually occured.
/// - `data`: Gives you decoded data up until that point when
/// the error was encountered.
/// One can recover data up to the error if they so wish but
/// guarantees about data state is not given
pub struct InflateDecodeErrors
    /// reason why decompression fails
    pub error: DecodeErrorStatus,
    /// Decoded data up until that decompression error
    pub data:  Vec<u8>

impl InflateDecodeErrors
    /// Create a new decode wrapper with data being
    /// how many bytes we actually decoded before hitting an error
    /// # Arguments
    /// - `error`: Error encountered during decoding
    /// - `data`:  Data up to that point of decoding
    /// # Returns
    /// Itself
    pub fn new(error: DecodeErrorStatus, data: Vec<u8>) -> InflateDecodeErrors
        InflateDecodeErrors { error, data }
    /// Create a new decode wrapper with an empty vector
    /// # Arguments
    /// - `error`: Error encountered during decoding.
    pub fn new_with_error(error: DecodeErrorStatus) -> InflateDecodeErrors
        InflateDecodeErrors::new(error, vec![])

impl Debug for InflateDecodeErrors
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result
        writeln!(f, "{:?}", self.error)

pub enum DecodeErrorStatus
    /// Input data is not enough to construct
    /// a full output
    /// Anything that isn't significant
    Generic(&'static str),
    /// Anything that isn't significant but we need to
    /// pass back information to the user as to what went wrong
    ///Input data was malformed.
    /// Limit set by the user was exceeded by
    /// decompressed output
    OutputLimitExceeded(usize, usize),
    /// Output CRC does not match stored CRC.
    /// Only present for zlib
    MismatchedCRC(u32, u32),
    /// Output Adler does not match stored adler
    /// Only present for gzip
    MismatchedAdler(u32, u32)

impl Debug for DecodeErrorStatus
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result
        match self
            Self::InsufficientData => writeln!(f, "Insufficient data"),
            Self::Generic(reason) => writeln!(f, "{reason}"),
            Self::GenericStr(reason) => writeln!(f, "{reason}"),
            Self::CorruptData => writeln!(f, "Corrupt data"),
            Self::OutputLimitExceeded(limit, current) => writeln!(
                "Output limit exceeded, set limit was {limit} and output size is {current}"
            Self::MismatchedCRC(expected, found) =>
                writeln!(f, "Mismatched CRC, expected {expected} but found {found}")
            Self::MismatchedAdler(expected, found) =>
                writeln!(f, "Mismatched Adler, expected {expected} but found {found}")