zmq-pw 0.9.0

High-level bindings to the zeromq library
Rust ZeroMQ bindings.

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[![Apache 2.0 licensed](](./LICENSE-APACHE)
[![MIT licensed](](./LICENSE-MIT)


[Release Notes](

# Installation

Currently, rust-zmq requires ZeroMQ 3.2 or newer. For example, on
recent Debian-based distributions, you can use the following command
to get the prerequiste headers and library installed:

    apt install libzmq3-dev

If your OS of choice does not provide packages of a new-enough libzmq,
you will first have to install it from source; see

rust-zmq uses [cargo]( to install. Users should add this to
their `Cargo.toml` file:

    zmq = "0.8"

The build normally uses `pkg-config` to find out about libzmq's
location. If that is not available, the environment variable
`LIBZMQ_PREFIX` (or alternatively, `LIBZMQ_LIB_DIR` and
`LIBZMQ_INCLUDE_DIR`) can be defined to avoid the invocation of

# Usage

`rust-zmq` is a pretty straight forward port of the C API into Rust:

extern crate zmq;

fn main() {
    let ctx = zmq::Context::new();

    let mut socket = ctx.socket(zmq::REQ).unwrap();
    socket.send_str("hello world!", 0).unwrap();

You can find more usage examples in

# Contributing

Install for contributing to rust-zmq:

    % git clone
    % cd rust-zmq
    % cargo build

Note that the `master` branch is currently in API-breaking mode while
we try to make the API more ergomic and flexible for the `0.9` release

__This means that pull requests (e.g. bugfixes), which do not need to
break API should be submitted for the `release/v0.8` branch__. This
also applies to new features, if they can be implemented in an
API-compatible way, the pull request should also aim for
`release/v0.8`. Please submit an issue for missing features before you
start coding, so the suitable branch and other potential questions can
be clarified up-front.

The reason for using branches, and thus increasing overhead a bit for
all involved, is that it's not yet clear how long it will take to
reach a point in `master` that we feel comfortable with releasing as
0.9.0, as we'd like to have the core part of the API more-or-less
fixed by then. Using the `release/v0.8` branch we can deliver bugfixes
and smaller features in the meantime without forcing users to follow
master's changing API and to continuously adjust their code to API