zkp-u256 0.2.1

Performant implementation of 256-bit unsigned integers
use crate::algorithms::limb_operations::{adc, msb};
use core::{convert::TryFrom, u64};

const fn val_2(lo: u64, hi: u64) -> u128 {
    ((hi as u128) << 64) | (lo as u128)

const fn mul_2(a: u64, b: u64) -> u128 {
    (a as u128) * (b as u128)

/// Compute <hi, lo> / d, returning the quotient and the remainder.
// TODO: Make sure it uses divq on x86_64.
// See http://lists.llvm.org/pipermail/llvm-dev/2017-October/118323.html
// (Note that we require d > hi for this)
// TODO: If divq is not supported, use a fast software implementation:
// See https://gmplib.org/~tege/division-paper.pdf
fn divrem_2by1(lo: u64, hi: u64, d: u64) -> (u64, u64) {
    debug_assert!(d > 0);
    debug_assert!(d > hi);
    let d = u128::from(d);
    let n = val_2(lo, hi);
    let q = n / d;
    let r = n % d;
    debug_assert!(q < val_2(0, 1));
        mul_2(u64::try_from(q).unwrap(), u64::try_from(d).unwrap())
            + val_2(u64::try_from(r).unwrap(), 0)
            == val_2(lo, hi)
    debug_assert!(r < d);
    // There should not be any truncation.
    (q as u64, r as u64)

pub(crate) fn divrem_nby1(numerator: &mut [u64], divisor: u64) -> u64 {
    debug_assert!(divisor > 0);
    let mut remainder = 0;
    for i in (0..numerator.len()).rev() {
        let (ni, ri) = divrem_2by1(numerator[i], remainder, divisor);
        numerator[i] = ni;
        remainder = ri;

//      |  n2 n1 n0  |
//  q = |  --------  |
//      |_    d1 d0 _|
fn div_3by2(n: &[u64; 3], d: &[u64; 2]) -> u64 {
    // The highest bit of d needs to be set
    debug_assert!(d[1] >> 63 == 1);

    // The quotient needs to fit u64. For this we need [n2 n1] < [d1 d0]
    debug_assert!(val_2(n[1], n[2]) < val_2(d[0], d[1]));

    if n[2] == d[1] {
        // From [n2 n1] < [d1 d0] and n2 = d1 it follows that n[1] < d[0].
        debug_assert!(n[1] < d[0]);
        // We start by subtracting 2^64 times the divisor, resulting in a
        // negative remainder. Depending on the result, we need to add back
        // in one or two times the divisor to make the remainder positive.
        // (It can not be more since the divisor is > 2^127 and the negated
        // remainder is < 2^128.)
        let neg_remainder = val_2(0, d[0]) - val_2(n[0], n[1]);
        if neg_remainder > val_2(d[0], d[1]) {
        } else {
    } else {
        // Compute quotient and remainder
        let (mut q, mut r) = divrem_2by1(n[1], n[2], d[1]);

        if mul_2(q, d[0]) > val_2(n[0], r) {
            q -= 1;
            r = r.wrapping_add(d[1]);
            let overflow = r < d[1];
            if !overflow && mul_2(q, d[0]) > val_2(n[0], r) {
                q -= 1;
                // UNUSED: r += d[1];

// Turns numerator into remainder, returns quotient.
// Implements Knuth's division algorithm.
// See D. Knuth "The Art of Computer Programming". Sec. 4.3.1. Algorithm D.
// See https://github.com/chfast/intx/blob/master/lib/intx/div.cpp
// NOTE: numerator must have one additional zero at the end.
// The result will be computed in-place in numerator.
// The divisor will be normalized.
pub(crate) fn divrem_nbym(numerator: &mut [u64], divisor: &mut [u64]) {
    debug_assert!(divisor.len() >= 2);
    debug_assert!(numerator.len() > divisor.len());
    debug_assert!(*divisor.last().unwrap() > 0);
    debug_assert!(*numerator.last().unwrap() == 0);
    // OPT: Once const generics are in, unroll for lengths.
    // OPT: We can use macro generated specializations till then.
    let n = divisor.len();
    let m = numerator.len() - n - 1;

    // D1. Normalize.
    let shift = divisor[n - 1].leading_zeros();
    if shift > 0 {
        numerator[n + m] = numerator[n + m - 1] >> (64 - shift);
        for i in (1..n + m).rev() {
            numerator[i] <<= shift;
            numerator[i] |= numerator[i - 1] >> (64 - shift);
        numerator[0] <<= shift;
        for i in (1..n).rev() {
            divisor[i] <<= shift;
            divisor[i] |= divisor[i - 1] >> (64 - shift);
        divisor[0] <<= shift;

    // D2. Loop over quotient digits
    for j in (0..=m).rev() {
        // D3. Calculate approximate quotient word
        let mut qhat = div_3by2(
            &[numerator[j + n - 2], numerator[j + n - 1], numerator[j + n]],
            &[divisor[n - 2], divisor[n - 1]],

        // D4. Multiply and subtract.
        let mut borrow = 0;
        for i in 0..n {
            let (a, b) = msb(numerator[j + i], qhat, divisor[i], borrow);
            numerator[j + i] = a;
            borrow = b;

        // D5. Test remainder for negative result.
        if numerator[j + n] < borrow {
            // D6. Add back. (happens rarely)
            let mut carry = 0;
            for i in 0..n {
                let (a, b) = adc(numerator[j + i], divisor[i], carry);
                numerator[j + i] = a;
                carry = b;
            qhat -= 1;
            // The updated value of numerator[j + n] would be 0. But since we're going to
            // overwrite it below, we only check that the result would be 0.
            debug_assert_eq!(numerator[j + n].wrapping_sub(borrow).wrapping_add(carry), 0);
        } else {
            // This the would be the updated value when the remainder is non-negative.
            debug_assert_eq!(numerator[j + n].wrapping_sub(borrow), 0);

        // Store remainder in the unused bits of numerator
        numerator[j + n] = qhat;

    // D8. Unnormalize.
    if shift > 0 {
        // Make sure to only normalize the remainder part, the quotient
        // is already normalized.
        for i in 0..(n - 1) {
            numerator[i] >>= shift;
            numerator[i] |= numerator[i + 1] << (64 - shift);
        numerator[n - 1] >>= shift;

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use crate::u256::U256;
    use proptest::prelude::*;
    use zkp_macros_decl::u256h;

    const HALF: u64 = 1_u64 << 63;
    const FULL: u64 = u64::max_value();

    fn div_3by2_tests() {
        // Test cases where n[2] == d[1]
        assert_eq!(div_3by2(&[FULL, FULL - 1, HALF], &[FULL, HALF]), FULL);
        assert_eq!(div_3by2(&[0, 0, HALF], &[FULL, HALF]), FULL - 1);

    fn test_divrem_4by3() {
        let mut numerator = [40, 31, 79, 84, 0];
        let mut divisor = [53, 12, 12];
        let expected_quotient = [u64::max_value(), 6];
        let expected_remainder = [93, 0xffff_ffff_ffff_feb8, 6];
        divrem_nbym(&mut numerator, &mut divisor);
        let remainder = &numerator[0..3];
        let quotient = &numerator[3..5];
        assert_eq!(remainder, expected_remainder);
        assert_eq!(quotient, expected_quotient);

    fn test_divrem_8by4() {
        let mut numerator = [
        let mut divisor = [
        let expected_quotient = [
        let expected_remainder = [
        divrem_nbym(&mut numerator, &mut divisor);
        let remainder = &numerator[0..4];
        let quotient = &numerator[4..9];
        assert_eq!(remainder, expected_remainder);
        assert_eq!(quotient, expected_quotient);

    fn test_divrem_4by4() {
        let a = u256h!("6f1480e63854afa41868b9a7d418e9c64edef514135f5899e72530a3d4e91ea3");
        let b = u256h!("3ba5ddaec5090ef0b87126f34ee28533ffb08af4108f9aeaa62b65900d2a62bb");
        let r = a.clone() - &b;
        let mut numerator = [a.limb(0), a.limb(1), a.limb(2), a.limb(3), 0];
        let mut divisor = [b.limb(0), b.limb(1), b.limb(2), b.limb(3)];
        divrem_nbym(&mut numerator, &mut divisor);
        let remainder = &numerator[0..4];
        let quotient = numerator[4];
        assert_eq!(remainder, [r.limb(0), r.limb(1), r.limb(2), r.limb(3)]);
        assert_eq!(quotient, 1);

        fn div_3by2_correct(q: u64, d0: u64, d1: u64) {
            // TODO: Add remainder
            let d1 = d1 | (1 << 63);
            let n = U256::from_limbs([d0, d1, 0, 0]) * &U256::from(q);
            debug_assert!(n.limb(3) == 0);
            let qhat = div_3by2(&[n.limb(0), n.limb(1), n.limb(2)], &[d0, d1]);
            prop_assert_eq!(qhat, q);