zhconv-cli 0.1.0

Convert Traditional/Simplified Chinese and regional words of Taiwan/Hong Kong/mainland China/Singapore based on Wikipedia conversion tables 轉換中文簡體、繁體及兩岸、新馬地區詞,基於中文維基轉換表
zhconv-cli-0.1.0 is not a library.

zhconv-cli 中文简繁及地區詞轉換

zhconv-cli converts Chinese text among several scripts or regional variants (e.g. zh-TW <-> zh-CN <-> zh-HK <-> zh-Hans <-> zh-Hant), built on the top of zhConversion.php conversion tables from Mediawiki, which is the one also used on Chinese Wikipedia.

For more information, check zhconv-rs.

    zhconv [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <VARIANT> [--] [FILE]...

        --mediawiki    Processes inline MediaWiki conversion rules in the input
    -h, --help         Prints help information
    -V, --version      Prints version information

        --rule <rules>...               Additional conversion rules
        --rules_file <rule-files>...    File(s) consisting of additional conversion rules seperated by LF
        --dfa <dfa>                     Whether to build DFA for AC automaton
                                         With DFA enabled by default, it is slower to warm up while faster to convert.
                                         Omit to let the program to determine by input size

    <VARIANT>    Target variant to convert to (zh, zh-Hant, zh-Hans, zh-TW, zh-HK, zh-MO, zh-CN, zh-SG, zh-MY)
    <FILE>...    File(s) to convert in-place (omit for stdin/out)