zerogc 0.1.3

Zero overhead tracing garbage collection for rust
name = "zerogc"
version = "0.1.3"
authors = ["Techcable <>"]
description = "Zero overhead tracing garbage collection for rust"
repository = ""
license = "MIT"
edition = "2018"
readme = ""

# Manually included tracing support for third party libraries
# Providing support for these important libraries,
# gives zerogc 'batteries included' support.
indexmap = { version = "1.6", optional = true }

members = ["libs/simple", "libs/derive", "libs/context"]

opt-level = 1

default = ["std"]
# Depend on the standard library (optional)
# This implements tracing
std = []
# Depend on `extern crate alloc` in addition to the Rust `core`
# This is implied by using the standard library (feature="std")
# This implements `Trace` for `Box` and collections like `Vec`
alloc = []