zengine_asset 0.1.2

Provides asset functionality for ZENgine
use crossbeam_channel::{Receiver, Sender, TryRecvError};
use downcast_rs::{impl_downcast, Downcast};
use rustc_hash::FxHashMap;
use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock};
use std::{any::TypeId, path::Path};
use zengine_ecs::system::{EventPublisher, Res, ResMut};
use zengine_engine::log::debug;
use zengine_macro::Resource;

use crate::assets::Assets;
use crate::handle::{HandleId, HandleRef, HandleRefChannel};
use crate::io::AssetIo;
use crate::AssetEvent;
use crate::{
    assets::{Asset, AssetPath},

/// A context where an [`Asset`] is processed
/// The load context is created by the [`AssetManager`] to process an asset after loading its
/// raw data into memory. It is then passed to the appropriate [`AssetLoader`] based on the file
/// extension of the asset's path.
pub struct LoaderContext<'a> {
    asset: Option<Box<dyn Asset>>,
    path: &'a Path,

impl<'a> LoaderContext<'a> {
    /// Gets the source path for this load context.
    pub fn path(&self) -> &Path {

    /// Sets the asset loaded from the asset raw data.
    pub fn set_asset<T: Asset>(&mut self, asset: T) {

/// A loader for an asset
/// Types implementing this trait are used by the [AssetManager] to load assets into their respective
/// asset storages.
pub trait AssetLoader: Send + Sync + std::fmt::Debug + 'static {
    /// Process the asset creating an instance of the `Asset` from raw data
    /// # Example
    /// ```ignore
    /// fn load(&self, data: Vec<u8>, context: &mut LoaderContext) {
    ///     let img =
    ///         image::load_from_memory(&data).unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("Could not load image {}", e));
    ///     let (width, height) = img.dimensions();
    ///     let img = match img {
    ///         DynamicImage::ImageRgba8(img) => img,
    ///         img => img.to_rgba8(),
    ///     };
    ///     context.set_asset(Image {
    ///         width,
    ///         height,
    ///         data: img.into_raw(),
    ///     })
    /// }
    /// ```
    fn load(&self, data: Vec<u8>, context: &mut LoaderContext);

    /// Return a list of extensions supported by this asset loader. Without the `dot`
    /// # Example
    /// ```ignore
    /// fn extension(&self) -> &[&str] {
    ///    &["png", "jpg", "jpeg", "bmp"]
    /// }
    /// ```
    fn extension(&self) -> &[&str];

struct AssetCreateCommand<T> {
    pub id: HandleId,
    pub asset: T,

enum AssetCommand<T> {

struct AssetCommandChannel<T> {
    sender: Sender<AssetCommand<T>>,
    receiver: Receiver<AssetCommand<T>>,

impl<T> Default for AssetCommandChannel<T> {
    fn default() -> Self {
        let (sender, receiver) = crossbeam_channel::unbounded();
        Self { sender, receiver }

trait AnyAssetCommandChannel: Downcast + Sync + Send + std::fmt::Debug + 'static {
    fn create(&self, id: HandleId, asset: Box<dyn Asset>);

    fn destroy(&self, id: HandleId);

impl<T: Asset> AnyAssetCommandChannel for AssetCommandChannel<T> {
    fn create(&self, id: HandleId, asset: Box<dyn Asset>) {
        let asset = asset.downcast::<T>().unwrap_or_else(|_| {
            panic!("Failed to downcast asset to {}", std::any::type_name::<T>())
            .send(AssetCommand::Create(AssetCreateCommand {
                asset: *asset,

    fn destroy(&self, id: HandleId) {

/// A [Resource](zengine_ecs::Resource) that loads assets from the filesystem in the background
/// The asset manager keeps track of the load state
/// of the assets it manages
/// The asset manager is a resource, so in order to get a mutable reference
/// in a system you need a [ResMut] accessor, like this:
/// ```rust,no_run
/// use zengine_asset::{AssetManager, Handle};
/// use zengine_ecs::system::{ResMut};
/// use zengine_macro::Asset;
/// # #[derive(Asset, Debug)]
/// # struct TestAsset;
/// fn my_system(mut asset_manager: ResMut<AssetManager>)
/// {
///     let asset_handle: Handle<TestAsset> = asset_manager.load("image.png");
/// }
/// ```
/// See the [`simple_sprite`] example for more information.
/// [`simple_sprite`]: https://github.com/MalpenZibo/ZENgine/blob/main/examples/asset/simple_sprite.rs
#[derive(Resource, Debug)]
pub struct AssetManager {
    loaders: Vec<Arc<dyn AssetLoader>>,
    extension_to_loader: FxHashMap<String, usize>,
    asset_channels: Arc<RwLock<FxHashMap<TypeId, Box<dyn AnyAssetCommandChannel>>>>,
    asset_handle_ref_channel: HandleRefChannel,
    asset_handle_ref_count: FxHashMap<HandleId, usize>,
    asset_io: Arc<dyn AssetIo>,

impl Default for AssetManager {
    fn default() -> Self {
        cfg_if::cfg_if! {
            if #[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")] {
                Self {
                    loaders: Vec::default(),
                    extension_to_loader: FxHashMap::default(),
                    asset_channels: Arc::new(RwLock::new(FxHashMap::default())),
                    asset_handle_ref_channel: HandleRefChannel::default(),
                    asset_handle_ref_count: FxHashMap::default(),
                    asset_io: Arc::new(crate::io::WasmAssetIo::default()),
            } else if #[cfg(target_os = "android")] {
                Self {
                    loaders: Vec::default(),
                    extension_to_loader: FxHashMap::default(),
                    asset_channels: Arc::new(RwLock::new(FxHashMap::default())),
                    asset_handle_ref_channel: HandleRefChannel::default(),
                    asset_handle_ref_count: FxHashMap::default(),
                    asset_io: Arc::new(crate::io::AndroidAssetIo::default()),
            } else {
                Self {
                    loaders: Vec::default(),
                    extension_to_loader: FxHashMap::default(),
                    asset_channels: Arc::new(RwLock::new(FxHashMap::default())),
                    asset_handle_ref_channel: HandleRefChannel::default(),
                    asset_handle_ref_count: FxHashMap::default(),
                    asset_io: Arc::new(crate::io::FileAssetIo::default()),

impl AssetManager {
    /// Creates a new asset manager with the provided asset I/O
    pub fn new<T: AssetIo>(asset_io: T) -> Self {
        Self {
            loaders: Vec::default(),
            extension_to_loader: FxHashMap::default(),
            asset_channels: Arc::new(RwLock::new(FxHashMap::default())),
            asset_handle_ref_channel: HandleRefChannel::default(),
            asset_handle_ref_count: FxHashMap::default(),
            asset_io: Arc::new(asset_io),

    /// Asynchronous load an [Asset] at the provided relative path
    /// The absolute path to the asset is `"ROOT/ASSET_BASE_PATH/file_path"` where `ASSET_BASE_PATH`
    /// is the path used during the [AssetModule](crate::AssetModule) creation.
    /// Its extension is then extracted to search for an [AssetLoader].
    /// By default the `ROOT` is the directory of the Application.
    /// The asset is loaded asynchronously, and will generally not be available by the time
    /// this calls returns. The engine will generate an [AssetEvent::Loaded] when the asset
    /// will be available.
    /// The asset will always fail to load if the provided path doesn't contain an extension.
    pub fn load<T: Asset, P: Into<AssetPath>>(&mut self, file_path: P) -> Handle<T> {
        let asset_path = file_path.into();
        let handle_id = HandleId::new_from_path::<T>(&asset_path);

        let loader = self
            .expect("Asset loader not found");

        let asset_channels = self.asset_channels.clone();

        let asset_io = self.asset_io.clone();
        crate::io_task::spawn(async move {
            let data = asset_io.load(&asset_path.path).await;

            let mut context = LoaderContext {
                asset: None,
                path: asset_path.path.as_path(),

            loader.load(data, &mut context);

            let asset_channels = asset_channels.read().unwrap();
            let asset_channel = asset_channels.get(&handle_id.get_type()).unwrap();

            asset_channel.create(handle_id, context.asset.unwrap());

        Handle::strong(handle_id, self.asset_handle_ref_channel.sender.clone())

    pub(crate) fn register_asset_type<T: Asset>(&self) -> Assets<T> {
        let type_id = TypeId::of::<T>();
            .insert(type_id, Box::new(AssetCommandChannel::<T>::default()));


    /// Register a new asset loader to the manager
    /// If `loader` has one or more supported extensions in conflict with loaders that came before
    /// it, it will replace them.
    pub fn register_loader<T: AssetLoader>(&mut self, loader: T) {
        let index = self.loaders.len();
        for e in loader.extension() {
            self.extension_to_loader.insert(e.to_string(), index);

    fn find_loader(&self, extension: &str) -> Option<Arc<dyn AssetLoader>> {
            .and_then(|index| self.loaders.get(*index).cloned())

    fn update_asset_storage<T: Asset>(
        assets: &mut Assets<T>,
        assets_event: &mut EventPublisher<AssetEvent<T>>,
    ) {
        let type_id = TypeId::of::<T>();
        let asset_channels = self.asset_channels.read().unwrap();
        let asset_channel = asset_channels.get(&type_id).unwrap();
        let asset_channel = asset_channel

        loop {
            match asset_channel.receiver.try_recv() {
                Ok(AssetCommand::Create(AssetCreateCommand { id, asset })) => {
                    debug!("Create asset for storage. Asset id: {:?}", id);
                    assets.set_untracked(id, asset);

                Ok(AssetCommand::Destroy(id)) => {
                    debug!("Destroy asset for storage. Asset id: {:?}", id);

                Err(TryRecvError::Empty) => break,
                Err(TryRecvError::Disconnected) => panic!("Asset command channel disconnected"),

    fn update_ref_count(&mut self) {
        loop {
            match self.asset_handle_ref_channel.receiver.try_recv() {
                Ok(HandleRef::Increment(id)) => {
                    let count = self.asset_handle_ref_count.entry(id).or_insert(0);
                        "Increment handle ref for asset id: {:?} count {:?}",
                        id, count
                    *count += 1;
                Ok(HandleRef::Decrement(id)) => {
                    let count = self.asset_handle_ref_count.entry(id).or_insert(0);
                        "Decrement handle ref for asset id: {:?} count {:?}",
                        id, count
                    if *count > 0 {
                        *count -= 1;
                Err(TryRecvError::Empty) => break,
                Err(TryRecvError::Disconnected) => panic!("Asset handle ref channel disconnected"),

    fn destroy_unused_assets(&mut self) {
        for k in self
            .filter_map(|(k, v)| if *v == 0 { Some(*k) } else { None })
            debug!("Destroy unused asset id: {:?}", k);

            let asset_channels = self.asset_channels.read().unwrap();
            let asset_channel = asset_channels.get(&k.get_type()).unwrap();

pub(crate) fn update_asset_storage<T: Asset>(
    asset_manager: Res<AssetManager>,
    assets: Option<ResMut<Assets<T>>>,
    mut assets_event: EventPublisher<AssetEvent<T>>,
) {
    if let Some(mut assets) = assets {
        asset_manager.update_asset_storage(&mut assets, &mut assets_event);

pub(crate) fn update_ref_count(mut asset_manager: ResMut<AssetManager>) {

pub(crate) fn destroy_unused_assets(mut asset_manager: ResMut<AssetManager>) {

mod tests {
    use std::{path::Path, sync::RwLock, thread, time::Duration};

    use zengine_ecs::{event::EventHandler, system::EventPublisher};

    use crate::{Asset, AssetEvent, AssetLoader, AssetManager, Assets, Handle};

    pub struct TestAsset {
        _data: Vec<u8>,
    impl Asset for TestAsset {
        fn next_counter() -> u64
            Self: Sized,

    pub struct TestLoader {}
    impl AssetLoader for TestLoader {
        fn extension(&self) -> &[&str] {

        fn load(&self, data: Vec<u8>, context: &mut crate::LoaderContext) {
            context.set_asset(TestAsset { _data: data });

    fn create_dir_and_file(file: impl AsRef<Path>) -> tempfile::TempDir {
        let asset_dir = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap();
        std::fs::write(asset_dir.path().join(file), &[]).unwrap();

    fn setup(_asset_path: impl AsRef<Path>) -> AssetManager {
        cfg_if::cfg_if! {
            if #[cfg(target_os = "android")] {
            } else {

    fn run_systems(
        asset_manager: &mut AssetManager,
        assets: &mut Assets<TestAsset>,
        assets_event: &mut EventPublisher<AssetEvent<TestAsset>>,
    ) {
        asset_manager.update_asset_storage(assets, assets_event);

    fn test() {
        let dir = create_dir_and_file("file.test");
        let mut asset_manager = setup(dir.path());

        let mut assets = asset_manager.register_asset_type::<TestAsset>();
        asset_manager.register_loader(TestLoader {});

        let stream = RwLock::new(EventHandler::<AssetEvent<TestAsset>>::default());
        let mut publisher = EventPublisher::new(stream.write().unwrap());

        let handle: Handle<TestAsset> = asset_manager.load("file.test");

        let timeout = 2000;
        let waiting_tick = 500;
        let mut waiting_time = 0;
        loop {
            run_systems(&mut asset_manager, &mut assets, &mut publisher);
            let asset = assets.get(&handle);

            if asset.is_some() || waiting_time > timeout {

            waiting_time += waiting_tick;

        let asset = assets.get(&handle);