zei 0.0.8

Zei: Confidential Assets
![alt text](https://github.com/stichtingorganism/zei/raw/master/zei_logo.png)

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Zei is a library to help manage and create Confidential Assets & More.

Current Limitation is one asset type per transaction. This is due to the proof 
system used. There are known schemes such as cloak which are based on R1CS
circuits and yield single proofs for multi asset inputs and outputs. However,
full security proofs are in progress and adding Circuits to Bulletproofs is another
added layer of complexity for our MVP. Using Multiple assets per transacton can also be done by adding
seperation indicators for asset types Inputs & Outputs and provind Asset Proofs for each one but that
leaks information about how many asset types are being used in a transaction and we chose to keep it simple
for the first format and information leakage is less desirable.

# Internal
View [Protocol](https://github.com/stichtingorganism/zei/blob/master/PROTOCOL.md)

# Benchmarks

# Installation

To install, add the following to your project's `Cargo.toml`:

version = "0.0.1"

Then, in your library or executable source, add:

extern crate zei;

By default, `zei` builds against `curve25519-dalek`'s `u64_backend`
feature, which uses Rust's `i128` feature to achieve roughly double the speed as
the `u32_backend` feature.  When targetting 32-bit systems, however, you'll
likely want to compile with
 `cargo build --no-default-features --features="u32_backend"`.
If you're building for a machine with avx2 instructions, there's also the
experimental `avx2_backend`.  To use it, compile with
`RUSTFLAGS="-C target_cpu=native" cargo build --no-default-features --features="avx2_backend"`