zeebe 0.4.2

A rust client for defining, orchestrating, and monitoring business processes across microservices using Zeebe.
# Zeebe Rust Client

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A rust client for defining, orchestrating, and monitoring business processes
across microservices using [Zeebe].

## What is Zeebe?

[Zeebe] is a workflow engine for microservices orchestration. Zeebe ensures
that, once started, flows are always carried out fully, retrying steps in case
of failures. Along the way, Zeebe maintains a complete audit log so that the
progress of flows can be monitored. Zeebe is fault tolerant and scales
seamlessly to handle growing transaction volumes.

[Zeebe]: https://zeebe.io

## Example

use serde_json::json;
use zeebe::{Client, Job};

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    // Create a zeebe client
    let client = Client::from_env()?;

    // Deploy a process

    // Create a new process instance
        .with_variables(json!({"orderId": 1234}))

    // Process the instance with a worker


async fn handle_job(client: Client, job: Job) {
    /// your job processing logic...

    let _ = client.complete_job().with_job_key(job.key()).send().await;

Or with job success and failure reported for you automatically from your
function result:

use futures::future;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use thiserror::Error;
use zeebe::{Client, Data};

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let client = Client::from_env()?;

    // Given an app-specific error
    #[derive(Error, Debug)]
    enum MyError {
        #[error("unknown error occurred")]

    // And app-specific job data
    struct MyJobData {
        my_property: String,
        my_other_property: String,

    // And app-specific job result
    struct MyJobResult {
        result: u32,

    // Async job handler function
    async fn handle_job(data: Data<MyJobData>) -> Result<MyJobResult, MyError> {
       Ok(MyJobResult { result: 42 })

    // You can run a worker from your function with results auto reported
    let job = client

    // OR you can run a closure and have the results auto reported
    let job = client
        .with_auto_handler(|my_job_data: Data<MyJobData>| {
            future::ok::<_, MyError>(MyJobResult { result: 42 })
