zbus 3.8.0

API for D-Bus communication
use enumflags2::{bitflags, BitFlags};
use event_listener::{Event, EventListener};
use futures_core::{ready, stream};
use futures_util::{future::Either, stream::Map};
use once_cell::sync::OnceCell;
use ordered_stream::{
    join as join_streams, FromFuture, JoinMultiple, OrderedStream, Peekable, PollResult,
use static_assertions::assert_impl_all;
use std::{
    collections::{HashMap, HashSet},
    convert::{TryFrom, TryInto},
    sync::{Arc, RwLock, RwLockReadGuard},
    task::{Context, Poll},
use tracing::{debug, info_span, instrument, Instrument};

use zbus_names::{BusName, InterfaceName, MemberName, UniqueName};
use zvariant::{ObjectPath, OwnedValue, Str, Value};

use crate::{
    fdo::{self, IntrospectableProxy, NameOwnerChanged, PropertiesProxy},
    AsyncDrop, CacheProperties, Connection, Error, Executor, MatchRule, Message, MessageFlags,
    MessageSequence, MessageStream, MessageType, OwnedMatchRule, ProxyBuilder, Result, Task,

/// A client-side interface proxy.
/// A `Proxy` is a helper to interact with an interface on a remote object.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use std::result::Result;
/// use std::error::Error;
/// use zbus::{Connection, Proxy};
/// #[tokio::main]
/// async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
///     let connection = Connection::session().await?;
///     let p = Proxy::new(
///         &connection,
///         "org.freedesktop.DBus",
///         "/org/freedesktop/DBus",
///         "org.freedesktop.DBus",
///     ).await?;
///     // owned return value
///     let _id: String = p.call("GetId", &()).await?;
///     // borrowed return value
///     let _id: &str = p.call_method("GetId", &()).await?.body()?;
///     Ok(())
/// }
/// ```
/// # Note
/// It is recommended to use the [`dbus_proxy`] macro, which provides a more convenient and
/// type-safe *façade* `Proxy` derived from a Rust trait.
/// [`futures` crate]: https://crates.io/crates/futures
/// [`dbus_proxy`]: attr.dbus_proxy.html
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Proxy<'a> {
    pub(crate) inner: Arc<ProxyInner<'a>>,

assert_impl_all!(Proxy<'_>: Send, Sync, Unpin);

/// This is required to avoid having the Drop impl extend the lifetime 'a, which breaks zbus_xmlgen
/// (and possibly other crates).
pub(crate) struct ProxyInnerStatic {
    #[derivative(Debug = "ignore")]
    pub(crate) conn: Connection,
    dest_owner_change_match_rule: OnceCell<OwnedMatchRule>,

pub(crate) struct ProxyInner<'a> {
    inner_without_borrows: ProxyInnerStatic,
    pub(crate) destination: BusName<'a>,
    pub(crate) path: ObjectPath<'a>,
    pub(crate) interface: InterfaceName<'a>,

    /// Cache of property values.
    property_cache: Option<OnceCell<(Arc<PropertiesCache>, Task<()>)>>,
    /// Set of properties which do not get cached, by name.
    /// This overrides proxy-level caching behavior.
    uncached_properties: HashSet<Str<'a>>,

impl Drop for ProxyInnerStatic {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        if let Some(rule) = self.dest_owner_change_match_rule.take() {

/// A property changed event.
/// The property changed event generated by [`PropertyStream`].
pub struct PropertyChanged<'a, T> {
    name: &'a str,
    properties: Arc<PropertiesCache>,
    proxy: Proxy<'a>,
    phantom: std::marker::PhantomData<T>,

impl<'a, T> PropertyChanged<'a, T> {
    // The name of the property that changed.
    pub fn name(&self) -> &str {

    // Get the raw value of the property that changed.
    // If the notification signal contained the new value, it has been cached already and this call
    // will return that value. Otherwise (i-e invalidated property), a D-Bus call is made to fetch
    // and cache the new value.
    pub async fn get_raw<'p>(&'p self) -> Result<impl Deref<Target = Value<'static>> + 'p> {
        struct Wrapper<'w> {
            name: &'w str,
            values: RwLockReadGuard<'w, HashMap<String, PropertyValue>>,

        impl<'w> Deref for Wrapper<'w> {
            type Target = Value<'static>;

            fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
                    .expect("PropertyStream with no corresponding property")
                    .expect("PropertyStream with no corresponding property")

            let values = self.properties.values.read().expect("lock poisoned");
            if values
                .expect("PropertyStream with no corresponding property")
                return Ok(Wrapper {
                    name: self.name,

        // The property was invalidated, so we need to fetch the new value.
        let properties_proxy = self.proxy.properties_proxy();
        let value = properties_proxy
            .get(self.proxy.inner.interface.clone(), self.name)

        // Save the new value
        let mut values = self.properties.values.write().expect("lock poisoned");

            .expect("PropertyStream with no corresponding property")
            .value = Some(value);

        Ok(Wrapper {
            name: self.name,
            values: self.properties.values.read().expect("lock poisoned"),

impl<T> PropertyChanged<'_, T>
    T: TryFrom<zvariant::OwnedValue>,
    T::Error: Into<crate::Error>,
    // Get the value of the property that changed.
    // If the notification signal contained the new value, it has been cached already and this call
    // will return that value. Otherwise (i-e invalidated property), a D-Bus call is made to fetch
    // and cache the new value.
    pub async fn get(&self) -> Result<T> {
            .and_then(|v| T::try_from(OwnedValue::from(&*v)).map_err(Into::into))

/// A [`stream::Stream`] implementation that yields property change notifications.
/// Use [`Proxy::receive_property_changed`] to create an instance of this type.
pub struct PropertyStream<'a, T> {
    name: &'a str,
    proxy: Proxy<'a>,
    event: EventListener,
    phantom: std::marker::PhantomData<T>,

impl<'a, T> stream::Stream for PropertyStream<'a, T>
    T: Unpin,
    type Item = PropertyChanged<'a, T>;

    fn poll_next(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
        let m = self.get_mut();
        let properties = match m.proxy.get_property_cache() {
            Some(properties) => properties.clone(),
            // With no cache, we will get no updates; return immediately
            None => return Poll::Ready(None),
        ready!(Pin::new(&mut m.event).poll(cx));

        m.event = properties
            .expect("lock poisoned")
            .expect("PropertyStream with no corresponding property")

        Poll::Ready(Some(PropertyChanged {
            name: m.name,
            proxy: m.proxy.clone(),
            phantom: std::marker::PhantomData,

pub(crate) struct PropertiesCache {
    values: RwLock<HashMap<String, PropertyValue>>,
    caching_result: RwLock<CachingResult>,

enum CachingResult {
    Caching { ready: Event },
    Cached { result: Result<()> },

impl PropertiesCache {
    fn new(
        proxy: PropertiesProxy<'static>,
        interface: InterfaceName<'static>,
        executor: &Executor<'_>,
        uncached_properties: HashSet<zvariant::Str<'static>>,
    ) -> (Arc<Self>, Task<()>) {
        let cache = Arc::new(PropertiesCache {
            values: Default::default(),
            caching_result: RwLock::new(CachingResult::Caching {
                ready: Event::new(),

        let cache_clone = cache.clone();
        let task_name = format!("{interface} proxy caching");
        let proxy_caching = async move {
            let result = cache_clone
                .init(proxy, interface, uncached_properties)
            let (proxy, interface, uncached_properties) = {
                let mut caching_result = cache_clone.caching_result.write().expect("lock poisoned");
                let ready = match &*caching_result {
                    CachingResult::Caching { ready } => ready,
                    // SAFETY: This is the only part of the code that changes this state and it's
                    // only run once.
                    _ => unreachable!(),
                match result {
                    Ok((proxy, interface, uncached_properties)) => {
                        *caching_result = CachingResult::Cached { result: Ok(()) };

                        (proxy, interface, uncached_properties)
                    Err(e) => {
                        *caching_result = CachingResult::Cached { result: Err(e) };


            if let Err(e) = cache_clone
                .keep_updated(proxy, interface, uncached_properties)
                debug!("Error keeping properties cache updated: {e}");
        .instrument(info_span!("{}", task_name));
        let task = executor.spawn(proxy_caching, &task_name);

        (cache, task)

    // new() runs this in a task it spawns for initialization of properties cache.
    async fn init(
        proxy: PropertiesProxy<'static>,
        interface: InterfaceName<'static>,
        uncached_properties: HashSet<zvariant::Str<'static>>,
    ) -> Result<(
    )> {
        use ordered_stream::OrderedStreamExt;

        let prop_changes = proxy
            .map(|s| s.map(Either::Left))?;

        let get_all = proxy
            .map(|r| FromFuture::from(r.expect("no reply")).map(Either::Right))?;

        let mut join = join_streams(prop_changes, get_all);

        match join.next().await {
            Some(Either::Left(update)) => {
                if let Ok(args) = update.args() {
                    if args.interface_name == interface {
            Some(Either::Right(populate)) => {
                populate?.body().map(|values| {
                    self.update_cache(&uncached_properties, &values, Vec::new(), &interface);
            None => (),

        Ok((proxy, interface, uncached_properties))

    // new() runs this in a task it spawns for keeping the cache in sync.
    async fn keep_updated(
        proxy: PropertiesProxy<'static>,
        interface: InterfaceName<'static>,
        uncached_properties: HashSet<zvariant::Str<'static>>,
    ) -> Result<()> {
        use futures_util::StreamExt;

        let mut prop_changes = proxy.receive_properties_changed().await?;

        while let Some(update) = prop_changes.next().await {
            if let Ok(args) = update.args() {
                if args.interface_name == interface {


    fn update_cache(
        uncached_properties: &HashSet<Str<'_>>,
        changed: &HashMap<&str, Value<'_>>,
        invalidated: Vec<&str>,
        interface: &InterfaceName<'_>,
    ) {
        let mut values = self.values.write().expect("lock poisoned");

        for inval in invalidated {
            if uncached_properties.contains(&Str::from(inval)) {
                    "Ignoring invalidation of uncached property `{}.{}`",
                    interface, inval

            if let Some(entry) = values.get_mut(inval) {
                entry.value = None;

        for (property_name, value) in changed {
            if uncached_properties.contains(&Str::from(*property_name)) {
                    "Ignoring update of uncached property `{}.{}`",
                    interface, property_name

            let entry = values

            entry.value = Some(OwnedValue::from(value));

    /// Wait for the cache to be populated and return any error encountered during population
    pub(crate) async fn ready(&self) -> Result<()> {
        let listener = match &*self.caching_result.read().expect("lock poisoned") {
            CachingResult::Caching { ready } => ready.listen(),
            CachingResult::Cached { result } => return result.clone(),

        // It must be ready now.
        match &*self.caching_result.read().expect("lock poisoned") {
            // SAFETY: We were just notified that state has changed to `Cached` and we never go back
            // to `Caching` once in `Cached`.
            CachingResult::Caching { .. } => unreachable!(),
            CachingResult::Cached { result } => result.clone(),

impl<'a> ProxyInner<'a> {
    pub(crate) fn new(
        conn: Connection,
        destination: BusName<'a>,
        path: ObjectPath<'a>,
        interface: InterfaceName<'a>,
        cache: CacheProperties,
        uncached_properties: HashSet<Str<'a>>,
    ) -> Self {
        let property_cache = match cache {
            CacheProperties::Yes | CacheProperties::Lazily => Some(OnceCell::new()),
            CacheProperties::No => None,
        Self {
            inner_without_borrows: ProxyInnerStatic {
                dest_owner_change_match_rule: OnceCell::new(),

    /// Subscribe to the "NameOwnerChanged" signal on the bus for our destination.
    /// If the destination is a unique name, we will not subscribe to the signal.
    pub(crate) async fn subscribe_dest_owner_change(&self) -> Result<()> {
        if !self.inner_without_borrows.conn.is_bus() {
            // Names don't mean much outside the bus context.
            return Ok(());

        let well_known_name = match &self.destination {
            BusName::WellKnown(well_known_name) => well_known_name,
            BusName::Unique(_) => return Ok(()),

        if self
            // Already watching over the bus for any name updates so nothing to do here.
            return Ok(());

        let conn = &self.inner_without_borrows.conn;
        let signal_rule: OwnedMatchRule = MatchRule::builder()


        if self
            // we raced another destination_unique_name call and added it twice



impl<'a> Proxy<'a> {
    /// Create a new `Proxy` for the given destination/path/interface.
    pub async fn new<D, P, I>(
        conn: &Connection,
        destination: D,
        path: P,
        interface: I,
    ) -> Result<Proxy<'a>>
        D: TryInto<BusName<'a>>,
        P: TryInto<ObjectPath<'a>>,
        I: TryInto<InterfaceName<'a>>,
        D::Error: Into<Error>,
        P::Error: Into<Error>,
        I::Error: Into<Error>,

    /// Create a new `Proxy` for the given destination/path/interface, taking ownership of all
    /// passed arguments.
    pub async fn new_owned<D, P, I>(
        conn: Connection,
        destination: D,
        path: P,
        interface: I,
    ) -> Result<Proxy<'a>>
        D: TryInto<BusName<'static>>,
        P: TryInto<ObjectPath<'static>>,
        I: TryInto<InterfaceName<'static>>,
        D::Error: Into<Error>,
        P::Error: Into<Error>,
        I::Error: Into<Error>,

    /// Get a reference to the associated connection.
    pub fn connection(&self) -> &Connection {

    /// Get a reference to the destination service name.
    pub fn destination(&self) -> &BusName<'_> {

    /// Get a reference to the object path.
    pub fn path(&self) -> &ObjectPath<'_> {

    /// Get a reference to the interface.
    pub fn interface(&self) -> &InterfaceName<'_> {

    /// Introspect the associated object, and return the XML description.
    /// See the [xml](xml/index.html) or [quick_xml](quick_xml/index.html) module for parsing the result.
    pub async fn introspect(&self) -> fdo::Result<String> {
        let proxy = IntrospectableProxy::builder(&self.inner.inner_without_borrows.conn)


    fn properties_proxy(&self) -> PropertiesProxy<'_> {
            // Safe because already checked earlier
            // Safe because already checked earlier
            // does not have properties

    fn owned_properties_proxy(&self) -> PropertiesProxy<'static> {
            // Safe because already checked earlier
            // Safe because already checked earlier
            // does not have properties

    /// Get the cache, starting it in the background if needed.
    /// Use PropertiesCache::ready() to wait for the cache to be populated and to get any errors
    /// encountered in the population.
    pub(crate) fn get_property_cache(&self) -> Option<&Arc<PropertiesCache>> {
        let cache = match &self.inner.property_cache {
            Some(cache) => cache,
            None => return None,
        let (cache, _) = &cache.get_or_init(|| {
            let proxy = self.owned_properties_proxy();
            let interface = self.interface().to_owned();
            let uncached_properties: HashSet<zvariant::Str<'static>> = self
                .map(|s| s.to_owned())
            let executor = self.connection().executor();

            PropertiesCache::new(proxy, interface, executor, uncached_properties)


    /// Get the cached value of the property `property_name`.
    /// This returns `None` if the property is not in the cache.  This could be because the cache
    /// was invalidated by an update, because caching was disabled for this property or proxy, or
    /// because the cache has not yet been populated.  Use `get_property` to fetch the value from
    /// the peer.
    pub fn cached_property<T>(&self, property_name: &str) -> Result<Option<T>>
        T: TryFrom<OwnedValue>,
        T::Error: Into<Error>,
            .map(|v| T::try_from(OwnedValue::from(v)))

    /// Get the cached value of the property `property_name`.
    /// Same as `cached_property`, but gives you access to the raw value stored in the cache. This
    /// is useful if you want to avoid allocations and cloning.
    pub fn cached_property_raw<'p>(
        &'p self,
        property_name: &'p str,
    ) -> Option<impl Deref<Target = Value<'static>> + 'p> {
        if let Some(values) = self
            .map(|c| c.0.values.read().expect("lock poisoned"))
            // ensure that the property is in the cache.
                // if the property value has not yet been cached, this will return None.
                .and_then(|e| e.value.as_ref())?;

            struct Wrapper<'a> {
                values: RwLockReadGuard<'a, HashMap<String, PropertyValue>>,
                property_name: &'a str,

            impl Deref for Wrapper<'_> {
                type Target = Value<'static>;

                fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
                        .and_then(|e| e.value.as_ref())
                        .map(|v| v.deref())
                        .expect("inexistent property")

            Some(Wrapper {
        } else {

    async fn get_proxy_property(&self, property_name: &str) -> Result<OwnedValue> {
            .get(self.inner.interface.as_ref(), property_name)

    /// Get the property `property_name`.
    /// Get the property value from the cache (if caching is enabled) or call the
    /// `Get` method of the `org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties` interface.
    pub async fn get_property<T>(&self, property_name: &str) -> Result<T>
        T: TryFrom<OwnedValue>,
        T::Error: Into<Error>,
        if let Some(cache) = self.get_property_cache() {
        if let Some(value) = self.cached_property(property_name)? {
            return Ok(value);

        let value = self.get_proxy_property(property_name).await?;

    /// Set the property `property_name`.
    /// Effectively, call the `Set` method of the `org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties` interface.
    pub async fn set_property<'t, T: 't>(&self, property_name: &str, value: T) -> fdo::Result<()>
        T: Into<Value<'t>>,
            .set(self.inner.interface.as_ref(), property_name, &value.into())

    /// Call a method and return the reply.
    /// Typically, you would want to use [`call`] method instead. Use this method if you need to
    /// deserialize the reply message manually (this way, you can avoid the memory
    /// allocation/copying, by deserializing the reply to an unowned type).
    /// [`call`]: struct.Proxy.html#method.call
    pub async fn call_method<'m, M, B>(&self, method_name: M, body: &B) -> Result<Arc<Message>>
        M: TryInto<MemberName<'m>>,
        M::Error: Into<Error>,
        B: serde::ser::Serialize + zvariant::DynamicType,

    /// Call a method and return the reply body.
    /// Use [`call_method`] instead if you need to deserialize the reply manually/separately.
    /// [`call_method`]: struct.Proxy.html#method.call_method
    pub async fn call<'m, M, B, R>(&self, method_name: M, body: &B) -> Result<R>
        M: TryInto<MemberName<'m>>,
        M::Error: Into<Error>,
        B: serde::ser::Serialize + zvariant::DynamicType,
        R: serde::de::DeserializeOwned + zvariant::Type,
        let reply = self.call_method(method_name, body).await?;


    /// Call a method and return the reply body, optionally supplying a set of
    /// method flags to control the way the method call message is sent and handled.
    /// Use [`call`] instead if you do not need any special handling via additional flags.
    /// If the `NoReplyExpected` flag is passed , this will return None immediately
    /// after sending the message, similar to [`call_noreply`]
    /// [`call`]: struct.Proxy.html#method.call
    /// [`call_noreply`]: struct.Proxy.html#method.call_noreply
    pub async fn call_with_flags<'m, M, B, R>(
        method_name: M,
        flags: BitFlags<MethodFlags>,
        body: &B,
    ) -> Result<Option<R>>
        M: TryInto<MemberName<'m>>,
        M::Error: Into<Error>,
        B: serde::ser::Serialize + zvariant::DynamicType,
        R: serde::de::DeserializeOwned + zvariant::Type,
        let flags = flags
        match self
            Some(reply) => reply.await?.body().map(Some),
            None => Ok(None),

    /// Call a method without expecting a reply
    /// This sets the `NoReplyExpected` flag on the calling message and does not wait for a reply.
    pub async fn call_noreply<'m, M, B>(&self, method_name: M, body: &B) -> Result<()>
        M: TryInto<MemberName<'m>>,
        M::Error: Into<Error>,
        B: serde::ser::Serialize + zvariant::DynamicType,
        self.call_with_flags::<_, _, ()>(method_name, MethodFlags::NoReplyExpected.into(), body)

    /// Create a stream for signal named `signal_name`.
    pub async fn receive_signal<'m: 'a, M>(&self, signal_name: M) -> Result<SignalStream<'a>>
        M: TryInto<MemberName<'m>>,
        M::Error: Into<Error>,
        self.receive_signal_with_args(signal_name, &[]).await

    /// Same as [`Proxy::receive_signal`] but with a filter.
    /// The D-Bus specification allows you to filter signals by their arguments, which helps avoid
    /// a lot of unnecessary traffic and processing since the filter is run on the server side. Use
    /// this method where possible. Note that this filtering is limited to arguments of string
    /// types.
    /// The arguments are passed as a tuples of argument index and expected value.
    pub async fn receive_signal_with_args<'m: 'a, M>(
        signal_name: M,
        args: &[(u8, &str)],
    ) -> Result<SignalStream<'a>>
        M: TryInto<MemberName<'m>>,
        M::Error: Into<Error>,
        let signal_name = signal_name.try_into().map_err(Into::into)?;
        self.receive_signals(Some(signal_name), args).await

    async fn receive_signals<'m: 'a>(
        signal_name: Option<MemberName<'m>>,
        args: &[(u8, &str)],
    ) -> Result<SignalStream<'a>> {

        SignalStream::new(self.clone(), signal_name, args).await

    /// Create a stream for all signals emitted by this service.
    pub async fn receive_all_signals(&self) -> Result<SignalStream<'a>> {
        self.receive_signals(None, &[]).await

    /// Get a stream to receive property changed events.
    /// Note that zbus doesn't queue the updates. If the listener is slower than the receiver, it
    /// will only receive the last update.
    /// If caching is not enabled on this proxy, the resulting stream will not return any events.
    pub async fn receive_property_changed<'name: 'a, T>(
        name: &'name str,
    ) -> PropertyStream<'a, T> {
        let properties = self.get_property_cache();
        let event = if let Some(properties) = &properties {
            let mut values = properties.values.write().expect("lock poisoned");
            let entry = values
        } else {

        PropertyStream {
            proxy: self.clone(),
            phantom: std::marker::PhantomData,

    /// Get a stream to receive destination owner changed events.
    /// If the proxy destination is a unique name, the stream will be notified of the peer
    /// disconnection from the bus (with a `None` value).
    /// If the proxy destination is a well-known name, the stream will be notified whenever the name
    /// owner is changed, either by a new peer being granted ownership (`Some` value) or when the
    /// name is released (with a `None` value).
    /// Note that zbus doesn't queue the updates. If the listener is slower than the receiver, it
    /// will only receive the last update.
    pub async fn receive_owner_changed(&self) -> Result<OwnerChangedStream<'_>> {
        use futures_util::StreamExt;
        let dbus_proxy = fdo::DBusProxy::builder(self.connection())
        Ok(OwnerChangedStream {
            stream: dbus_proxy
                .receive_name_owner_changed_with_args(&[(0, self.destination().as_str())])
                .map(Box::new(move |signal| {
                    let args = signal.args().unwrap();
                    let new_owner = args.new_owner().as_ref().map(|owner| owner.to_owned());

            name: self.destination().clone(),

#[derive(Debug, Default)]
struct PropertyValue {
    value: Option<OwnedValue>,
    event: Event,

/// Flags to use with [`Proxy::call_with_flags`].
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum MethodFlags {
    /// No response is expected from this method call, regardless of whether the
    /// signature for the interface method indicates a reply type. When passed,
    /// `call_with_flags` will return `Ok(None)` immediately after successfully
    /// sending the method call.
    /// Errors encountered while *making* the call will still be returned as
    /// an `Err` variant, but any errors that are triggered by the receiver's
    /// handling of the call will not be delivered.
    NoReplyExpected = 0x1,

    /// When set on a call whose destination is a message bus, this flag will instruct
    /// the bus not to [launch][al] a service to handle the call if no application
    /// on the bus owns the requested name.
    /// This flag is ignored when using a peer-to-peer connection.
    /// [al]: https://dbus.freedesktop.org/doc/dbus-specification.html#message-bus-starting-services
    NoAutoStart = 0x2,

    /// Indicates to the receiver that this client is prepared to wait for interactive
    /// authorization, which might take a considerable time to complete. For example, the receiver
    /// may query the user for confirmation via [polkit] or a similar framework.
    /// [polkit]: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/polkit/polkit/
    AllowInteractiveAuth = 0x4,

assert_impl_all!(MethodFlags: Send, Sync, Unpin);

impl From<MethodFlags> for MessageFlags {
    fn from(method_flag: MethodFlags) -> Self {
        match method_flag {
            MethodFlags::NoReplyExpected => Self::NoReplyExpected,
            MethodFlags::NoAutoStart => Self::NoAutoStart,
            MethodFlags::AllowInteractiveAuth => Self::AllowInteractiveAuth,

type OwnerChangedStreamMap<'a> = Map<
    Box<dyn FnMut(fdo::NameOwnerChanged) -> Option<UniqueName<'static>> + Send + Sync + Unpin>,

/// A [`stream::Stream`] implementation that yields `UniqueName` when the bus owner changes.
/// Use [`Proxy::receive_owner_changed`] to create an instance of this type.
pub struct OwnerChangedStream<'a> {
    stream: OwnerChangedStreamMap<'a>,
    name: BusName<'a>,

assert_impl_all!(OwnerChangedStream<'_>: Send, Sync, Unpin);

impl OwnerChangedStream<'_> {
    /// The bus name being tracked.
    pub fn name(&self) -> &BusName<'_> {

impl<'a> stream::Stream for OwnerChangedStream<'a> {
    type Item = Option<UniqueName<'static>>;

    fn poll_next(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
        use futures_util::StreamExt;

/// A [`stream::Stream`] implementation that yields signal [messages](`Message`).
/// Use [`Proxy::receive_signal`] to create an instance of this type.
/// This type uses a [`MessageStream::for_match_rule`] internally and therefore the note about match
/// rule registration and [`AsyncDrop`] in its documentation applies here as well.
pub struct SignalStream<'a> {
    stream: JoinMultiple<Vec<Peekable<MessageStream>>>,
    src_unique_name: Option<UniqueName<'static>>,
    phantom: PhantomData<&'a ()>,

impl<'a> SignalStream<'a> {
    async fn new<'m: 'a>(
        proxy: Proxy<'a>,
        signal_name: Option<MemberName<'m>>,
        args: &[(u8, &str)],
    ) -> Result<SignalStream<'a>> {
        let mut rule_builder = MatchRule::builder()
        if let Some(name) = &signal_name {
            rule_builder = rule_builder.member(name)?;
        for (i, arg) in args {
            rule_builder = rule_builder.arg(*i, *arg)?;
        let signal_rule: OwnedMatchRule = rule_builder.build().to_owned().into();
        let conn = proxy.connection();

        let (src_unique_name, stream) = match proxy.destination().to_owned() {
            BusName::Unique(name) => (
                    MessageStream::for_match_rule(signal_rule, conn, None).await?,
            BusName::WellKnown(name) => {
                use ordered_stream::OrderedStreamExt;

                let name_owner_changed_rule = MatchRule::builder()
                let name_owner_changed_stream = MessageStream::for_match_rule(

                let get_name_owner = conn
                    .map(|r| FromFuture::from(r.expect("no reply")).map(Either::Right))?;

                let mut join = join_streams(name_owner_changed_stream, get_name_owner);

                let mut src_unique_name = loop {
                    match join.next().await {
                        Some(Either::Left(msg)) => {
                            if let Some(signal) =
                                if let Ok(args) = signal.args() {
                                    match (args.name(), args.new_owner().deref()) {
                                        (BusName::WellKnown(n), Some(new_owner)) if n == &name => {
                                            break Some(new_owner.to_owned());
                                        _ => (),
                        Some(Either::Right(Ok(response))) => {
                            break Some(response.body::<UniqueName<'_>>()?.to_owned())
                        Some(Either::Right(Err(e))) => {
                            // Probably the name is not owned. Not a problem but let's still log it.
                            debug!("Failed to get owner of {name}: {e}");

                            break None;
                        None => {
                            return Err(Error::InputOutput(
                                    "connection closed",

                // Let's take into account any buffered NameOwnerChanged signal.
                let (stream, _, queued) = join.into_inner();
                if let Some(msg) = queued.and_then(|e| match e.0 {
                    Either::Left(Ok(msg)) => Some(msg),
                    Either::Left(Err(_)) | Either::Right(_) => None,
                }) {
                    if let Some(signal) = NameOwnerChanged::from_message(msg) {
                        if let Ok(args) = signal.args() {
                            match (args.name(), args.new_owner().deref()) {
                                (BusName::WellKnown(n), Some(new_owner)) if n == &name => {
                                    src_unique_name = Some(new_owner.to_owned());
                                _ => (),
                let name_owner_changed_stream = stream.into_inner();

                let stream = JoinMultiple(vec![
                    MessageStream::for_match_rule(signal_rule, conn, None)

                (src_unique_name, stream)

        Ok(Self {
            phantom: PhantomData,

    fn filter(&mut self, msg: &Arc<Message>) -> Result<bool> {
        let header = msg.header()?;
        let sender = header.sender()?;
        if sender == self.src_unique_name.as_ref() {
            return Ok(true);

        // The src_unique_name must be maintained in lock-step with the applied filter
        if let Some(signal) = NameOwnerChanged::from_message(msg.clone()) {
            let args = signal.args()?;
            self.src_unique_name = args.new_owner().as_ref().map(|n| n.to_owned());


assert_impl_all!(SignalStream<'_>: Send, Sync, Unpin);

impl<'a> stream::Stream for SignalStream<'a> {
    type Item = Arc<Message>;

    fn poll_next(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
        loop {
            match ready!(OrderedStream::poll_next_before(self.as_mut(), cx, None)) {
                // FIXME: We should make use of `Stream` impl of `Join` when that's available:
                // https://github.com/danieldg/ordered-stream/issues/7
                PollResult::Item {
                    data: msg,
                    ordering: _,
                } => return Poll::Ready(Some(msg)),
                PollResult::Terminated => return Poll::Ready(None),
                // SAFETY: We didn't specify a before ordering, so we should never get this.
                PollResult::NoneBefore => unreachable!(),

impl<'a> OrderedStream for SignalStream<'a> {
    type Data = Arc<Message>;
    type Ordering = MessageSequence;

    fn poll_next_before(
        self: Pin<&mut Self>,
        cx: &mut Context<'_>,
        before: Option<&Self::Ordering>,
    ) -> Poll<PollResult<Self::Ordering, Self::Data>> {
        let this = self.get_mut();
        loop {
            match ready!(OrderedStream::poll_next_before(
                Pin::new(&mut this.stream),
            )) {
                PollResult::Item { data, ordering } => {
                    if let Ok(msg) = data {
                        if let Ok(true) = this.filter(&msg) {
                            return Poll::Ready(PollResult::Item {
                                data: msg,
                PollResult::Terminated => return Poll::Ready(PollResult::Terminated),
                PollResult::NoneBefore => return Poll::Ready(PollResult::NoneBefore),

impl<'a> stream::FusedStream for SignalStream<'a> {
    fn is_terminated(&self) -> bool {

impl AsyncDrop for SignalStream<'_> {
    async fn async_drop(self) {
        for stream in self.stream.0 {

impl<'a> From<crate::blocking::Proxy<'a>> for Proxy<'a> {
    fn from(proxy: crate::blocking::Proxy<'a>) -> Self {

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use crate::{
        dbus_interface, dbus_proxy, utils::block_on, AsyncDrop, ConnectionBuilder, SignalContext,
    use futures_util::StreamExt;
    use ntest::timeout;
    use test_log::test;

    fn signal() {

    async fn test_signal() -> Result<()> {
        // Register a well-known name with the session bus and ensure we get the appropriate
        // signals called for that.
        let conn = Connection::session().await?;
        let dest_conn = Connection::session().await?;
        let unique_name = dest_conn.unique_name().unwrap().clone();

        let well_known = "org.freedesktop.zbus.async.ProxySignalStreamTest";
        let proxy: Proxy<'_> = ProxyBuilder::new_bare(&conn)
        let mut owner_changed_stream = proxy.receive_owner_changed().await?;

        let proxy = fdo::DBusProxy::new(&dest_conn).await?;
        let mut name_acquired_stream = proxy
            .receive_signal_with_args("NameAcquired", &[(0, well_known)])

        let prop_stream =
                .filter_map(|changed| async move {
                    let v: Option<u32> = changed.get().await.ok();


        let (new_owner, acquired_signal) =
            futures_util::join!(owner_changed_stream.next(), name_acquired_stream.next(),);

        assert_eq!(&new_owner.unwrap().unwrap(), &*unique_name);

        let acquired_signal = acquired_signal.unwrap();
        assert_eq!(acquired_signal.body::<&str>().unwrap(), well_known);

        let proxy = Proxy::new(&conn, &unique_name, "/does/not/matter", "does.not.matter").await?;
        let mut unique_name_changed_stream = proxy.receive_owner_changed().await?;


        // There shouldn't be an owner anymore.
        let new_owner = owner_changed_stream.next().await;

        let new_unique_owner = unique_name_changed_stream.next().await;


    fn signal_stream_deadlock() {

    /// Tests deadlocking in signal reception when the message queue is full.
    /// Creates a connection with a small message queue, and a service that
    /// emits signals at a high rate. First a listener is created that listens
    /// for that signal which should fill the small queue. Then another signal
    /// signal listener is created against another signal. Previously, this second
    /// call to add the match rule never resolved and resulted in a deadlock.
    async fn test_signal_stream_deadlock() -> Result<()> {
            gen_blocking = false,
            default_path = "/org/zbus/Test",
            default_service = "org.zbus.Test.MR501",
            interface = "org.zbus.Test"
        trait Test {
            fn my_signal(&self, msg: &str) -> Result<()>;

        struct TestIface;

        #[dbus_interface(name = "org.zbus.Test")]
        impl TestIface {
            async fn my_signal(context: &SignalContext<'_>, msg: &'static str) -> Result<()>;

        let test_iface = TestIface;
        let server_conn = ConnectionBuilder::session()?
            .serve_at("/org/zbus/Test", test_iface)?

        let client_conn = ConnectionBuilder::session()?.max_queued(1).build().await?;

        let test_proxy = TestProxy::new(&client_conn).await?;
        let test_prop_proxy = PropertiesProxy::builder(&client_conn)

        let (tx, mut rx) = tokio::sync::mpsc::channel(1);

        let handle = {
            let tx = tx.clone();
            let conn = server_conn.clone();
            let server_fut = async move {
                use std::time::Duration;

                #[cfg(not(feature = "tokio"))]
                use async_io::Timer;

                #[cfg(feature = "tokio")]
                use tokio::time::sleep;

                let iface_ref = conn
                    .interface::<_, TestIface>("/org/zbus/Test")

                let context = iface_ref.signal_context();
                while !tx.is_closed() {
                    for _ in 0..10 {
                        TestIface::my_signal(context, "This is a test")

                    #[cfg(not(feature = "tokio"))]

                    #[cfg(feature = "tokio")]
            server_conn.executor().spawn(server_fut, "server_task")

        let signal_fut = async {
            let mut signal_stream = test_proxy.receive_my_signal().await.unwrap();


            while let Some(_signal) = signal_stream.next().await {}

        let prop_fut = async move {
            let _prop_stream = test_prop_proxy.receive_properties_changed().await.unwrap();


        futures_util::future::select(signal_fut, prop_fut).await;

