zaplib_widget 0.0.1

The widget toolkit for Zap
use zaplib::*;

use crate::scrollbar::*;
use crate::scrollview::*;
use crate::tab::*;

pub struct TabControl {
    pub tabs_view: ScrollView,
    pub tabs: Elements<usize, Tab, Tab>,
    pub drag_tab_view: View,
    pub drag_tab: Tab,
    pub page_view: View,
    pub hover: DrawColor,
    //pub tab_fill_color: ColorId,
    pub tab_fill: DrawColor,

    pub _dragging_tab: Option<(FingerMoveEvent, usize)>,
    pub _tab_id_alloc: usize,
    pub _tab_now_selected: Option<usize>,
    pub _tab_last_selected: Option<usize>,
    pub _focussed: bool,

#[derive(Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum TabControlEvent {
    TabDragMove { fe: FingerMoveEvent, tab_id: usize },
    TabDragEnd { fe: FingerUpEvent, tab_id: usize },
    TabSelect { tab_id: usize },
    TabClose { tab_id: usize },

const COLOR_BG_NORMAL: Vec4 = vec4(52.0 / 255.0, 52.0 / 255.0, 52.0 / 255.0, 1.0);

impl TabControl {
    pub fn new(cx: &mut Cx) -> Self {
        Self {
            tabs_view: ScrollView::new()

            page_view: View::new(),

            tabs: Elements::new(Tab::new(cx)),

            drag_tab: Tab::new(cx).with_draw_depth(10.0),

            drag_tab_view: View::new().with_is_overlay(true),

            hover: DrawColor { color: Vec4::color("purple"), ..DrawColor::new(cx, DrawColorShader::Default(location_hash!())) },

            //tab_fill_color: Color_bg_normal::id(),
            tab_fill: DrawColor::new(cx, DrawColorShader::Default(location_hash!())),

            _dragging_tab: None,
            _tab_now_selected: None,
            _tab_last_selected: None,
            _focussed: false,
            _tab_id_alloc: 0,

    pub fn handle_tab_control(&mut self, cx: &mut Cx, event: &mut Event) -> TabControlEvent {
        let mut tab_control_event = TabControlEvent::None;

        self.tabs_view.handle_scroll_view(cx, event);

        for (id, tab) in self.tabs.enumerate() {
            match tab.handle_tab(cx, event) {
                TabEvent::Select => {
                    // deselect the other tabs
                    tab_control_event = TabControlEvent::TabSelect { tab_id: *id }
                TabEvent::DragMove(fe) => {
                    self._dragging_tab = Some((fe.clone(), *id));
                    // flag our view as dirty, to trigger

                    tab_control_event = TabControlEvent::TabDragMove { fe, tab_id: *id };
                TabEvent::DragEnd(fe) => {
                    self._dragging_tab = None;

                    tab_control_event = TabControlEvent::TabDragEnd { fe, tab_id: *id };
                TabEvent::Closing => {
                    // this tab is closing. select the visible one
                    if tab.selected() {
                        // only do anything if we are selected
                        let next_sel = if *id == self._tab_id_alloc - 1 {
                            // last id
                            if *id > 0 {
                                *id - 1
                            } else {
                        } else {
                            *id + 1
                        if *id != next_sel {
                            tab_control_event = TabControlEvent::TabSelect { tab_id: next_sel };
                TabEvent::Close => {
                    // Sooooo someone wants to close the tab
                    tab_control_event = TabControlEvent::TabClose { tab_id: *id };
                _ => (),
        match tab_control_event {
            TabControlEvent::TabSelect { tab_id } => {
                self._focussed = true;
                for (id, tab) in self.tabs.enumerate() {
                    if tab_id != *id {
                        tab.set_tab_selected(cx, false);
                        tab.set_tab_focus(cx, true);
            TabControlEvent::TabClose { .. } => {
                // needed to clear animation state
                self.tabs.clear(cx, |_, _| ());
            _ => (),

    pub fn close_tab(&self, cx: &mut Cx, tab_id: usize) {
        if let Some(tab) = self.tabs.get(tab_id) {

    pub fn get_tab_rects(&mut self, cx: &Cx) -> Vec<Rect> {
        let mut rects = Vec::new();
        for tab in self.tabs.iter() {

    pub fn set_tab_control_focus(&mut self, cx: &mut Cx, focus: bool) {
        self._focussed = focus;
        for tab in self.tabs.iter() {
            tab.set_tab_focus(cx, focus);

    pub fn get_tabs_view_rect(&mut self, cx: &Cx) -> Rect {

    pub fn get_content_drop_rect(&mut self, cx: &Cx) -> Rect {
        // we now need to change the y and the new height

    // data free APIs for the win!
    pub fn begin_tabs(&mut self, cx: &mut Cx) -> ViewRedraw {
        if self.tabs_view.begin_view(cx, Layout { walk: Walk::wh(Width::Fill, Height::Compute), ..Layout::default() }).is_err() {
            return Err(());
        self._tab_now_selected = None;
        self._tab_id_alloc = 0;

    pub fn get_draw_tab(&mut self, cx: &mut Cx, label: &str, selected: bool /*, closeable: bool*/) -> &mut Tab {
        let new_tab = self.tabs.get(self._tab_id_alloc).is_none();
        let tab = self.tabs.get_draw(cx, self._tab_id_alloc, |_cx, tmpl| tmpl.clone());
        if selected {
            self._tab_now_selected = Some(self._tab_id_alloc);
        self._tab_id_alloc += 1;
        tab.label = label.to_string();
        //tab.is_closeable = closeable;
        if new_tab {
            tab.set_tab_state(cx, selected, self._focussed);
        } else {
            // animate the tabstate
            tab.set_tab_selected(cx, selected);

    pub fn draw_tab(&mut self, cx: &mut Cx, label: &str, selected: bool /*, closeable: bool*/) {
        let tab = self.get_draw_tab(cx, label, selected /*, closeable*/);

    pub fn end_tabs(&mut self, cx: &mut Cx) {
        self.tab_fill.color = COLOR_BG_NORMAL;
        self.tab_fill.quad.draw_quad_walk(cx, Walk::wh(Width::Fill, Height::Fill));
        self.tabs.sweep(cx, |_, _| ());
        if let Some((fe, id)) = &self._dragging_tab {
            if let Ok(()) = self.drag_tab_view.begin_view(cx, Layout::abs_origin_zero()) {
                self.drag_tab.abs_origin = Some(Vec2 { x: fe.abs.x - fe.rel_start.x, y: fe.abs.y - fe.rel_start.y });
                let origin_tab = self.tabs.get_draw(cx, *id, |_cx, tmpl| tmpl.clone());
                self.drag_tab.label = origin_tab.label.clone();
                //self.drag_tab.is_closeable = origin_tab.is_closeable;

        if self._tab_now_selected != self._tab_last_selected {
            // lets scroll the thing into view
            if let Some(tab_id) = self._tab_now_selected {
                if let Some(tab) = self.tabs.get(tab_id) {
                    let tab_rect = tab.area().get_rect_for_first_instance(cx);
                    self.tabs_view.scroll_into_view_abs(cx, tab_rect);
            self._tab_last_selected = self._tab_now_selected;

    pub fn begin_tab_page(&mut self, cx: &mut Cx) -> ViewRedraw {
        self.page_view.begin_view(cx, Layout::default())

    pub fn end_tab_page(&mut self, cx: &mut Cx) {
        // if we are in draggable tab state,
        // draw our draggable tab