zamm 0.1.7

A literate programming tool for Yin and Yang
//! ZAMM is a literate programming tool to help with Yin and Yang development. It can be used as a
//! binary or as a library. To have it run automatically as a part of the regular Cargo build
//! process, put this in your `Cargo.toml`:
//! ```toml
//! [build-dependencies]
//! zamm = "0.1.1"
//! ```
//! Then define your `` as such:
//! ```no_run
//! use zamm::generate_default_code;
//! fn main() {
//!     generate_default_code("").unwrap();
//! }
//! ```


/// Running commandline commands.
pub mod commands;
/// Creating the intermediate build binary.
pub mod intermediate_build;
/// Finding and parsing the input files.
pub mod parse;

use intermediate_build::generate_final_code;
pub use intermediate_build::CodegenConfig;
use parse::{find_file, parse_input, ParseOutput};
use std::io::Error;

/// Generates an intermediate binary from the given file and runs it. If no file is specified, then
/// it will search for a `` file in the current directory.
/// Returns the contents of the input file.
pub fn generate_code(
    input_file: Option<&str>,
    codegen_cfg: &CodegenConfig,
) -> Result<ParseOutput, Error> {
    // no need to regenerate autogenerated files every time
    let found_input = find_file(input_file)?;
    let literate_rust_code = parse_input(found_input)?;
    generate_final_code(&literate_rust_code.extractions, codegen_cfg).map(|_| literate_rust_code)

/// Generates an intermediate binary from the given file and runs it with default codegen settings.
/// Recommended for automatic Cargo builds.
pub fn generate_default_code(input_file: &str) -> Result<ParseOutput, Error> {
    generate_code(Some(input_file), &CodegenConfig::default())

/// Generates code specifically for Yin.
pub fn generate_yin_code(input_file: &str) -> Result<ParseOutput, Error> {
        &CodegenConfig {
            yin: true,

/// Prints a warning to stdout.
macro_rules! warn {
    ($warning:tt) => (println!("{}", colored::Colorize::bold(colored::Colorize::yellow($warning))));
    ($($arg:tt)*) => ({
        println!("{}", colored::Colorize::bold(colored::Colorize::yellow(format!($($arg)*).as_str())));