zamm 0.1.7

A literate programming tool for Yin and Yang

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This is a literate programming code generation tool for the [Yin]( and [Yang]( crates.

It builds an intermediate code-generation binary from the provided Markdown file (`` by default) and runs the binary in the current directory.

## Install

cargo install zamm

Note that on Windows, you will need to follow the instructions [here]( to set up OpenSSL.

## Usage

zamm 0.0.1
Amos Ng <>
Literate code generation for Yin and Yang.

    zamm <SUBCOMMAND>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    build      Generate code from an input file
    clean      Clean up autogenerated files
    help       Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    release    Prepare repo for a Cargo release
    test       Make sure the project will pass CI tests

You can look at the `` for both [Yin]( and [Yang]( for examples on this literate programming style.

To use this tool, simply navigate to the project directory and run

zamm build

The code will be generated inside the current directory.

### Overriding the main input file

To add overrides to the main input file, create another README file named ``. This can be useful for using a local version of Yin or Yang to build the other one, without having the local path committed to Git. The Cargo equivalent is [here](, although that requires changes to the same file and therefore cannot be Git-ignored quite as easily.