z3tracer 0.11.2

Parser for Z3 tracing logs
# z3tracer

[![z3tracer on crates.io](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/z3tracer)](https://crates.io/crates/z3tracer)

This crate provides an experimental parser and analyzer for detailed log files produced by Z3.

To obtain a file `z3.log`, pass the options `trace=true` and `proof=true` on the
command line of Z3 (for instance, `z3 trace=true proof=true file.smt2`). For large problems, you may
choose to limit the size of the log file by interrupting `z3` with `^C` or by setting
a shorter timeout. Passing only `trace=true` is also possible but it will prevent any
dependency analysis (see below).

While parsing the logs, a "model" of the logs is constructed to record most operations, as
well as the syntactic terms under each `#NUM` notation:

use z3tracer::{Model, syntax::{Ident, Term}};
let mut model = Model::default();
let input = br#"
[mk-app] #0 a
[mk-app] #1 + #0 #0
model.process(None, &input[1..])?;
assert_eq!(model.terms().len(), 2);
assert!(matches!(model.term(&Ident::from_str("#1")?)?, Term::App { .. }));
assert_eq!(model.id_to_sexp(&BTreeMap::new(), &Ident::from_str("#1").unwrap()).unwrap(), "(+ a a)");

Besides, the library will attempt to reconstruct the following information:

* Quantifier Instantiations (QIs), that is, which quantified formulas were instantiated by Z3 and why;

* The successive backtracking levels during SMT solving;

* SAT/SMT conflicts and their causal dependencies in terms of QIs;

* Causal dependencies between QIs.
![Causal dependencies between QIs]https://github.com/facebookincubator/smt2utils/blob/master/z3tracer/img/z3_tracer_2.jpg?raw=true

A tool `z3tracer` based on the library is provided to process a log file `z3.log` from the
command line and generate charts.

See also in the
for additional examples using Jupyter notebooks.

Currently, this library only supports Z3 v4.8.9.

More information about Z3 tracing logs can be found in the documentation of the
project [Axiom Profiler](https://github.com/viperproject/axiom-profiler).

## Contributing

See the [CONTRIBUTING](../CONTRIBUTING.md) file for how to help out.

## License

This project is available under the terms of either the [Apache 2.0 license](../LICENSE-APACHE) or the [MIT

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cargo install cargo-readme
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