z3tracer 0.6.0

Parser for Z3 tracing logs
# z3tracer

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This crate provides an experimental parser for Z3 tracing logs obtained by passing
`trace=true proof=true`.

use z3tracer::{Model, syntax::{Ident, Term}};
let mut model = Model::default();
let input = br#"
[mk-app] #0 a
[mk-app] #1 + #0 #0
model.process(None, &input[1..])?;
assert_eq!(model.terms().len(), 2);
assert!(matches!(model.term(&Ident::from_str("#1")?)?, Term::App { .. }));
assert_eq!(model.id_to_sexp(&BTreeMap::new(), &Ident::from_str("#1").unwrap()).unwrap(), "(+ a a)");

See also in the [repository](https://github.com/facebookincubator/smt2utils/tree/master/z3tracer/notebooks) for more complex examples using Jupyter notebooks.

More information about Z3 tracing logs can be found in the documentation of the
project [Axiom Profiler](https://github.com/viperproject/axiom-profiler).

## Contributing

See the [CONTRIBUTING](../CONTRIBUTING.md) file for how to help out.

## License

This project is available under the terms of either the [Apache 2.0 license](../LICENSE-APACHE) or the [MIT

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cargo install cargo-readme
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