z3 0.12.1

High-level rust bindings for the Z3 SMT solver from Microsoft Research
use std::ffi::{CStr, CString};
use std::fmt;
use std::result::Result;
use std::str::Utf8Error;

use z3_sys::*;
use Context;
use Goal;
use Probe;

impl<'ctx> Probe<'ctx> {
    unsafe fn wrap(ctx: &'ctx Context, z3_probe: Z3_probe) -> Probe<'ctx> {
        Z3_probe_inc_ref(ctx.z3_ctx, z3_probe);
        Probe { ctx, z3_probe }

    /// Iterate through the valid probe names.
    /// # Example
    /// ```
    /// use z3::{Config, Context, Probe};
    /// let cfg = Config::new();
    /// let ctx = Context::new(&cfg);
    /// let probes: Vec<_> = Probe::list_all(&ctx).filter_map(|r| r.ok()).collect();
    /// assert!(probes.contains(&"is-quasi-pb"));
    /// ```
    pub fn list_all(
        ctx: &'ctx Context,
    ) -> impl Iterator<Item = std::result::Result<&'ctx str, Utf8Error>> {
        let p = unsafe { Z3_get_num_probes(ctx.z3_ctx) };
        (0..p).map(move |n| {
            let t = unsafe { Z3_get_probe_name(ctx.z3_ctx, n) };
            unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(t) }.to_str()

    /// Return a string containing a description of the probe with
    /// the given `name`.
    pub fn describe(ctx: &'ctx Context, name: &str) -> std::result::Result<&'ctx str, Utf8Error> {
        let probe_name = CString::new(name).unwrap();
        unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(Z3_probe_get_descr(ctx.z3_ctx, probe_name.as_ptr())).to_str() }

    /// Return a probe associated with the given `name`.
    /// # Example
    /// ```
    /// use z3::{Config, Context, Probe};
    /// let cfg = Config::new();
    /// let ctx = Context::new(&cfg);
    /// let probe = Probe::new(&ctx, "is-qfbv");
    /// ```
    pub fn new(ctx: &'ctx Context, name: &str) -> Probe<'ctx> {
        let probe_name = CString::new(name).unwrap();
        unsafe { Self::wrap(ctx, Z3_mk_probe(ctx.z3_ctx, probe_name.as_ptr())) }

    /// Execute the probe over the goal.
    /// The probe always produce a double value. "Boolean" probes return
    /// `0.0` for `false`, and a value different from `0.0` for `true`.
    pub fn apply(&self, goal: &'ctx Goal) -> f64 {
        unsafe { Z3_probe_apply(self.ctx.z3_ctx, self.z3_probe, goal.z3_goal) }

    /// Return a probe that always evaluates to val.
    /// ```
    /// use z3::{Config, Context, Probe};
    /// let cfg = Config::new();
    /// let ctx = Context::new(&cfg);
    /// let probe = Probe::constant(&ctx, 1.0);
    /// ```
    pub fn constant(ctx: &'ctx Context, val: f64) -> Probe<'ctx> {
        unsafe { Self::wrap(ctx, Z3_probe_const(ctx.z3_ctx, val)) }

    /// Return a probe that evaluates to "true" when the value returned
    /// by `self` is less than the value returned by `p`.
    /// NOTE: For probes, "true" is any value different from 0.0.
    pub fn lt(&self, p: Probe) -> Probe<'ctx> {
        unsafe {
                Z3_probe_lt(self.ctx.z3_ctx, self.z3_probe, p.z3_probe),

    /// Return a probe that evaluates to "true" when the value returned
    /// by `self` is greater than the value returned by `p`.
    pub fn gt(&self, p: &Probe) -> Probe<'ctx> {
        unsafe {
                Z3_probe_gt(self.ctx.z3_ctx, self.z3_probe, p.z3_probe),

    /// Return a probe that evaluates to "true" when the value returned
    /// by `self` is less than or equal to the value returned by `p`.
    pub fn le(&self, p: &Probe) -> Probe<'ctx> {
        unsafe {
                Z3_probe_le(self.ctx.z3_ctx, self.z3_probe, p.z3_probe),

    /// Return a probe that evaluates to "true" when the value returned
    /// by `self` is greater than or equal to the value returned by `p`.
    pub fn ge(&self, p: &Probe) -> Probe<'ctx> {
        unsafe {
                Z3_probe_ge(self.ctx.z3_ctx, self.z3_probe, p.z3_probe),

    /// Return a probe that evaluates to "true" when the value returned
    /// by `self` is equal to the value returned by `p`.
    pub fn eq(&self, p: &Probe) -> Probe<'ctx> {
        unsafe {
                Z3_probe_eq(self.ctx.z3_ctx, self.z3_probe, p.z3_probe),

    /// Return a probe that evaluates to "true" when `self` and `p` evaluates to true.
    pub fn and(&self, p: &Probe) -> Probe<'ctx> {
        unsafe {
                Z3_probe_and(self.ctx.z3_ctx, self.z3_probe, p.z3_probe),

    /// Return a probe that evaluates to "true" when `p1` or `p2` evaluates to true.
    pub fn or(&self, p: &Probe) -> Probe<'ctx> {
        unsafe {
                Z3_probe_or(self.ctx.z3_ctx, self.z3_probe, p.z3_probe),

    /// Return a probe that evaluates to "true" when `p` does not evaluate to true.
    pub fn not(&self) -> Probe<'ctx> {
        unsafe { Self::wrap(self.ctx, Z3_probe_not(self.ctx.z3_ctx, self.z3_probe)) }

    /// Return a probe that evaluates to "true" when the value returned
    /// by `self` is not equal to the value returned by `p`.
    pub fn ne(&self, p: &Probe) -> Probe<'ctx> {

impl<'ctx> Clone for Probe<'ctx> {
    fn clone(&self) -> Self {
        unsafe { Self::wrap(self.ctx, self.z3_probe) }

impl<'ctx> fmt::Display for Probe<'ctx> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
        write!(f, "<z3.probe>")

impl<'ctx> fmt::Debug for Probe<'ctx> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
        <Self as fmt::Display>::fmt(self, f)

impl<'ctx> Drop for Probe<'ctx> {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        unsafe {
            Z3_probe_dec_ref(self.ctx.z3_ctx, self.z3_probe);