yy-typings 0.5.0

A collection of typings for GameMaker Studio 2 YY and YYP files

//! This is a library was created for the development of [Fields of Mistria](https://twitter.com/FieldsofMistria), a farming RPG with *tons* of Sprites, by NPC Studio. This tool was created to support an Aseprite -> GMS2 pipeline tool. That tool is not public. Using this tool, one should be able to generate their own pipeline without difficulty.
//! ***This crate only supports Gms2, and only supports Gms2 2.3 and above***.
//! If users do want to use a version with Gms2 version 2.2, there is a
//! historical release on the main branch which was made before 2.3's release,
//! though it is not nearly as fully featured as the current branch.
//! This repository has a pair: [the Yy-Boss](https://crates.io/crates/yy-boss), which provides active Yyp handling over stdin/stdout, abstracting over Gms2's native types to allow users to dynamically create resources (and analyze existing resources) without handling the Gms2 Yy files directly.

macro_rules! create_guarded_uuid {
    ($this_val:ident) => {
        /// A newtype wrapper around a `uuid::Uuid`. The inner value can always be
        /// accessed with `inner` without consuming the wrapper -- its purpose is for
        /// developer simplicity.
        #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Hash, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Copy, Clone)]
        pub struct $this_val(uuid::Uuid);

        impl std::fmt::Debug for $this_val {
            fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
                write!(f, "{} -- {}", stringify!($this_val), self.0)

        impl $this_val {
            /// Creates a new Id using `Uuid::new_v4` which is randomly generated.
            pub fn new() -> Self {

            /// Creates a new Id with the provided Uuid.
            pub fn with_id(id: uuid::Uuid) -> Self {

            /// Creates a new Id with the provided String which *must* be a Uuid string.
            /// This does an unwrap internally, so probably don't use it!
            pub fn with_string(input: &str) -> Self {

            /// Gives access to the inner ID. Try to not use this one too much!
            pub fn inner(&self) -> uuid::Uuid {

        impl Default for $this_val {
            fn default() -> Self {

mod typings;
pub use typings::*;

/// Two utilities which may be useful for downstream crates:
/// 1.  `TrailingCommaUtility` will *remove* all trailing commas
///     from a given input string. It is a wrapper over a Regex pattern.
/// 2.  `PathValidator` will validate any paths as valid Gms2 names for a
/// resource.
pub mod utils;