ywasm 0.1.0

High performance implementation of the Yjs CRDT

name = "ywasm"

version = "0.1.0"

authors = ["Kevin Jahns <kevin.jahns@protonmail.com>","Bartosz Sypytkowski <b.sypytkowski@gmail.com>"]

keywords = ["crdt", "wasm", "yrs"]

edition = "2018"

license = "MIT"

description = "High performance implementation of the Yjs CRDT"

homepage = "https://github.com/yjs/y-crdt/"

repository = "https://github.com/yjs/y-crdt/"

readme = "./README.md"


crate-type = ["cdylib", "rlib"]


default = ["console_error_panic_hook"]


lib0 = "0.1"

yrs = "0.1"

wasm-bindgen = { version = "0.2" }

# The `console_error_panic_hook` crate provides better debugging of panics by

# logging them with `console.error`. This is great for development, but requires

# all the `std::fmt` and `std::panicking` infrastructure, so isn't great for

# code size when deploying.

console_error_panic_hook = { version = "0.1.6", optional = true }

# `wee_alloc` is a tiny allocator for wasm that is only ~1K in code size

# compared to the default allocator's ~10K. It is slower than the default

# allocator, however.


# Unfortunately, `wee_alloc` requires nightly Rust when targeting wasm for now.

wee_alloc = { version = "0.4.5", optional = true }

js-sys = "0.3"


wasm-bindgen-test = "0.3"

# `wasm-opt` is on by default in for the release profile, but it can be

# disabled by setting it to `false`


wasm-opt = false