yuvxyb 0.3.0

Conversions between YUV (YCbCr), XYB, and other colorspaces
use anyhow::{bail, Result};
use av_data::pixel::{ColorPrimaries, MatrixCoefficients};
use debug_unreachable::debug_unreachable;
use nalgebra::{Matrix1x3, Matrix3, Matrix3x1};

use super::{ycbcr_to_ypbpr, ypbpr_to_ycbcr};
use crate::{Pixel, Yuv, YuvConfig};

pub fn get_yuv_to_rgb_matrix(config: YuvConfig) -> Result<Matrix3<f32>> {
        .expect("Matrix can be inverted"))

pub fn get_rgb_to_yuv_matrix(config: YuvConfig) -> Result<Matrix3<f32>> {
    match config.matrix_coefficients {
        | MatrixCoefficients::BT2020ConstantLuminance
        | MatrixCoefficients::ChromaticityDerivedConstantLuminance
        | MatrixCoefficients::ST2085
        | MatrixCoefficients::ICtCp => ncl_rgb_to_yuv_matrix_from_primaries(config.color_primaries),
        | MatrixCoefficients::BT470M
        | MatrixCoefficients::BT470BG
        | MatrixCoefficients::ST170M
        | MatrixCoefficients::ST240M
        | MatrixCoefficients::YCgCo
        | MatrixCoefficients::ChromaticityDerivedNonConstantLuminance
        | MatrixCoefficients::BT2020NonConstantLuminance => {
        // Unusable
        MatrixCoefficients::Reserved => {
            bail!("Cannot convert YUV<->RGB using this transfer function")
        // SAFETY: We guess any unspecified data when beginning conversion
        MatrixCoefficients::Unspecified => unsafe { debug_unreachable!() },

pub fn ncl_rgb_to_yuv_matrix_from_primaries(primaries: ColorPrimaries) -> Result<Matrix3<f32>> {
    match primaries {
        ColorPrimaries::BT709 => ncl_rgb_to_yuv_matrix(MatrixCoefficients::BT709),
        ColorPrimaries::BT2020 => {
        _ => {
            let (kr, kb) = get_yuv_constants_from_primaries(primaries)?;
            Ok(ncl_rgb_to_yuv_matrix_from_kr_kb(kr, kb))

pub fn ncl_rgb_to_yuv_matrix(matrix: MatrixCoefficients) -> Result<Matrix3<f32>> {
    Ok(match matrix {
        MatrixCoefficients::YCgCo => {
            Matrix3::from_row_slice(&[0.25, 0.5, 0.25, -0.25, 0.5, -0.25, 0.5, 0.0, -0.5])
        MatrixCoefficients::ST2085 => Matrix3::from_row_slice(&[
            1688.0 / 4096.0,
            2146.0 / 4096.0,
            262.0 / 4096.0,
            683.0 / 4096.0,
            2951.0 / 4096.0,
            462.0 / 4096.0,
            99.0 / 4096.0,
            309.0 / 4096.0,
            3688.0 / 4096.0,
        _ => {
            let (kr, kb) = get_yuv_constants(matrix)?;
            ncl_rgb_to_yuv_matrix_from_kr_kb(kr, kb)

pub fn get_yuv_constants_from_primaries(primaries: ColorPrimaries) -> Result<(f32, f32)> {
    // ITU-T H.265 Annex E, Eq (E-22) to (E-27).
    let primaries_xy = get_primaries_xy(primaries)?;

    let r_xyz = Matrix1x3::from_row_slice(&xy_to_xyz(primaries_xy[0][0], primaries_xy[0][1]));
    let g_xyz = Matrix1x3::from_row_slice(&xy_to_xyz(primaries_xy[1][0], primaries_xy[1][1]));
    let b_xyz = Matrix1x3::from_row_slice(&xy_to_xyz(primaries_xy[2][0], primaries_xy[2][1]));
    let white_xyz = Matrix1x3::from_row_slice(&get_white_point(primaries));

    let x_rgb = Matrix1x3::from_row_slice(&[r_xyz[0], g_xyz[0], b_xyz[0]]);
    let y_rgb = Matrix1x3::from_row_slice(&[r_xyz[1], g_xyz[1], b_xyz[1]]);
    let z_rgb = Matrix1x3::from_row_slice(&[r_xyz[2], g_xyz[2], b_xyz[2]]);

    let denom = x_rgb.dot(&y_rgb.cross(&z_rgb));
    let kr = white_xyz.dot(&g_xyz.cross(&b_xyz)) / denom;
    let kb = white_xyz.dot(&r_xyz.cross(&g_xyz)) / denom;

    Ok((kr, kb))

pub fn get_yuv_constants(matrix: MatrixCoefficients) -> Result<(f32, f32)> {
    Ok(match matrix {
        MatrixCoefficients::Identity => (0.0, 0.0),
        MatrixCoefficients::BT470M => (0.3, 0.11),
        MatrixCoefficients::ST240M => (0.212, 0.087),
        MatrixCoefficients::BT470BG | MatrixCoefficients::ST170M => (0.299, 0.114),
        MatrixCoefficients::BT709 => (0.2126, 0.0722),
        | MatrixCoefficients::BT2020ConstantLuminance => (0.2627, 0.0593),
        // Unusable
        | MatrixCoefficients::YCgCo
        | MatrixCoefficients::ST2085
        | MatrixCoefficients::ChromaticityDerivedNonConstantLuminance
        | MatrixCoefficients::ChromaticityDerivedConstantLuminance
        | MatrixCoefficients::ICtCp => {
            bail!("Cannot convert YUV<->RGB using these matrix coefficients")
        // SAFETY: We guess any unspecified data when beginning conversion
        MatrixCoefficients::Unspecified => unsafe { debug_unreachable!() },

pub fn ncl_rgb_to_yuv_matrix_from_kr_kb(kr: f32, kb: f32) -> Matrix3<f32> {
    let mut ret = [0.0; 9];
    let kg = 1.0 - kr - kb;
    let uscale = 1.0 / (2.0 - 2.0 * kb);
    let vscale = 1.0 / (2.0 - 2.0 * kr);

    ret[0] = kr;
    ret[1] = kg;
    ret[2] = kb;

    ret[3] = -kr * uscale;
    ret[4] = -kg * uscale;
    ret[5] = (1.0 - kb) * uscale;

    ret[6] = (1.0 - kr) * vscale;
    ret[7] = -kg * vscale;
    ret[8] = -kb * vscale;


pub fn get_primaries_xy(primaries: ColorPrimaries) -> Result<[[f32; 2]; 3]> {
    Ok(match primaries {
        ColorPrimaries::BT470M => [[0.670, 0.330], [0.210, 0.710], [0.140, 0.080]],
        ColorPrimaries::BT470BG => [[0.640, 0.330], [0.290, 0.600], [0.150, 0.060]],
        ColorPrimaries::ST170M | ColorPrimaries::ST240M => {
            [[0.630, 0.340], [0.310, 0.595], [0.155, 0.070]]
        ColorPrimaries::BT709 => [[0.640, 0.330], [0.300, 0.600], [0.150, 0.060]],
        ColorPrimaries::Film => [[0.681, 0.319], [0.243, 0.692], [0.145, 0.049]],
        ColorPrimaries::BT2020 => [[0.708, 0.292], [0.170, 0.797], [0.131, 0.046]],
        ColorPrimaries::P3DCI | ColorPrimaries::P3Display => {
            [[0.680, 0.320], [0.265, 0.690], [0.150, 0.060]]
        ColorPrimaries::Tech3213 => [[0.630, 0.340], [0.295, 0.605], [0.155, 0.077]],
        ColorPrimaries::Reserved0 | ColorPrimaries::Reserved | ColorPrimaries::ST428 => {
            bail!("Cannot convert YUV<->RGB using these primaries")
        // SAFETY: We guess any unspecified data when beginning conversion
        ColorPrimaries::Unspecified => unsafe { debug_unreachable!() },

pub fn get_white_point(primaries: ColorPrimaries) -> [f32; 3] {
    // White points in XY.
    const ILLUMINANT_C: [f32; 2] = [0.31, 0.316];
    const ILLUMINANT_DCI: [f32; 2] = [0.314, 0.351];
    const ILLUMINANT_D65: [f32; 2] = [0.3127, 0.3290];
    const ILLUMINANT_E: [f32; 2] = [1.0 / 3.0, 1.0 / 3.0];

    match primaries {
        ColorPrimaries::BT470M | ColorPrimaries::Film => {
            xy_to_xyz(ILLUMINANT_C[0], ILLUMINANT_C[1])
        ColorPrimaries::ST428 => xy_to_xyz(ILLUMINANT_E[0], ILLUMINANT_E[1]),
        ColorPrimaries::P3DCI => xy_to_xyz(ILLUMINANT_DCI[0], ILLUMINANT_DCI[1]),
        _ => xy_to_xyz(ILLUMINANT_D65[0], ILLUMINANT_D65[1]),

fn xy_to_xyz(x: f32, y: f32) -> [f32; 3] {
    [x / y, 1.0, (1.0 - x - y) / y]

/// Converts 8..=16-bit YUV data to 32-bit floating point gamma-corrected RGB
/// in a range of 0.0..=1.0;
pub fn yuv_to_rgb<T: Pixel>(input: &Yuv<T>) -> Result<Vec<[f32; 3]>> {
    let transform = get_yuv_to_rgb_matrix(input.config())?;
    let mut data = ycbcr_to_ypbpr(input);

    for pix in &mut data {
        let pix_matrix = Matrix3x1::from_column_slice(pix);
        let res = transform * pix_matrix;
        pix[0] = res[0];
        pix[1] = res[1];
        pix[2] = res[2];


/// Converts 32-bit floating point gamma-corrected RGB in a range of 0.0..=1.0
/// to 8..=16-bit YUV.
/// # Errors
/// - If the `YuvConfig` would produce an invalid image
pub fn rgb_to_yuv<T: Pixel>(
    input: &[[f32; 3]],
    width: usize,
    height: usize,
    config: YuvConfig,
) -> Result<Yuv<T>> {
    let transform = get_rgb_to_yuv_matrix(config)?;
    let yuv = input
        .map(|pix| {
            let pix = Matrix3x1::from_column_slice(pix);
            let res = transform * pix;
            [res[0], res[1], res[2]]
        width as usize,
        height as usize,

pub fn transform_primaries(
    mut input: Vec<[f32; 3]>,
    in_primaries: ColorPrimaries,
    out_primaries: ColorPrimaries,
) -> Result<Vec<[f32; 3]>> {
    if in_primaries == out_primaries {
        return Ok(input);

    let transform = gamut_xyz_to_rgb_matrix(out_primaries)?
        * white_point_adaptation_matrix(in_primaries, out_primaries)
        * gamut_rgb_to_xyz_matrix(in_primaries)?;

    for pix in &mut input {
        let pix_matrix = Matrix3x1::from_column_slice(pix);
        let res = transform * pix_matrix;
        pix[0] = res[0];
        pix[1] = res[1];
        pix[2] = res[2];


fn gamut_rgb_to_xyz_matrix(primaries: ColorPrimaries) -> Result<Matrix3<f32>> {
    if primaries == ColorPrimaries::ST428 {
        return Ok(Matrix3::identity());

    let xyz_matrix = get_primaries_xyz(primaries)?;
    let white_xyz = Matrix3x1::from_column_slice(&get_white_point(primaries));

    let s = (xyz_matrix.try_inverse().expect("has an inverse") * white_xyz).transpose();
    let mut m = [0f32; 9];


fn gamut_xyz_to_rgb_matrix(primaries: ColorPrimaries) -> Result<Matrix3<f32>> {
    if primaries == ColorPrimaries::ST428 {
        return Ok(Matrix3::identity());

        .expect("has an inverse"))

fn get_primaries_xyz(primaries: ColorPrimaries) -> Result<Matrix3<f32>> {
    // Columns: R G B
    // Rows: X Y Z
    let primaries_xy = get_primaries_xy(primaries)?;

    let mut ret = [0f32; 9];
    ret[0..3].copy_from_slice(&xy_to_xyz(primaries_xy[0][0], primaries_xy[0][1]));
    ret[3..6].copy_from_slice(&xy_to_xyz(primaries_xy[1][0], primaries_xy[1][1]));
    ret[6..9].copy_from_slice(&xy_to_xyz(primaries_xy[2][0], primaries_xy[2][1]));


fn white_point_adaptation_matrix(
    in_primaries: ColorPrimaries,
    out_primaries: ColorPrimaries,
) -> Matrix3<f32> {
    let bradford = Matrix3::from_row_slice(&[
        0.8951f32, 0.2664f32, -0.1614f32, -0.7502f32, 1.7135f32, 0.0367f32, 0.0389f32, -0.0685f32,

    let white_in = Matrix3x1::from_column_slice(&get_white_point(in_primaries));
    let white_out = Matrix3x1::from_column_slice(&get_white_point(out_primaries));

    if white_in == white_out {
        return Matrix3::identity();

    let rgb_in = bradford * white_in;
    let rgb_out = bradford * white_out;

    let mut m: Matrix3<f32> = Matrix3::zeros();
    m[0] = rgb_out[0] / rgb_in[0];
    m[4] = rgb_out[1] / rgb_in[1];
    m[8] = rgb_out[2] / rgb_in[2];

    bradford.try_inverse().expect("has an inverse") * m * bradford