yup-oauth2 0.6.2

A partial oauth2 implementation, providing the 'device' authorization flow
// Copyright (c) 2016 Google Inc (lewinb@google.com).
// Refer to the project root for licensing information.
extern crate serde_json;
extern crate url;

use std::borrow::BorrowMut;
use std::convert::AsRef;
use std::error::Error;
use std::io;
use std::io::Read;
use std::sync::Mutex;
use std::sync::mpsc::{channel, Receiver, Sender};

use hyper;
use hyper::{client, header, server, status, uri};
use serde_json::error;
use url::form_urlencoded;
use url::percent_encoding::{percent_encode, QUERY_ENCODE_SET};

use common::{ApplicationSecret, Token};
use helper::AuthenticatorDelegate;

const OOB_REDIRECT_URI: &'static str = "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob";

/// Assembles a URL to request an authorization token (with user interaction).
/// Note that the redirect_uri here has to be either None or some variation of
/// http://localhost:{port}, or the authorization won't work (error "redirect_uri_mismatch")
fn build_authentication_request_url<'a, T, I>(auth_uri: &str,
                                              client_id: &str,
                                              scopes: I,
                                              redirect_uri: Option<String>)
                                              -> String
    where T: AsRef<str> + 'a,
          I: IntoIterator<Item = &'a T>
    let mut url = String::new();
    let mut scopes_string = scopes.into_iter().fold(String::new(), |mut acc, sc| {
        acc.push_str(" ");
    // Remove last space

    vec![format!("?scope={}", scopes_string),
         format!("&client_id={}", client_id)]
        .fold(url, |mut u, param| {
            u.push_str(&percent_encode(param.as_ref(), QUERY_ENCODE_SET));

pub struct InstalledFlow<C> {
    client: C,
    server: Option<server::Listening>,
    port: Option<u32>,

    auth_code_rcv: Option<Receiver<String>>,

/// cf. https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/OAuth2InstalledApp#choosingredirecturi
pub enum InstalledFlowReturnMethod {
    /// Involves showing a URL to the user and asking to copy a code from their browser
    /// (default)
    /// Involves spinning up a local HTTP server and Google redirecting the browser to
    /// the server with a URL containing the code (preferred, but not as reliable). The
    /// parameter is the port to listen on.

impl<C> InstalledFlow<C> where C: BorrowMut<hyper::Client>
    /// Starts a new Installed App auth flow.
    /// If HTTPRedirect is chosen as method and the server can't be started, the flow falls
    /// back to Interactive.
    pub fn new(client: C, method: Option<InstalledFlowReturnMethod>) -> InstalledFlow<C> {
        let default = InstalledFlow {
            client: client,
            server: None,
            port: None,
            auth_code_rcv: None,
        match method {
            None => default,
            Some(InstalledFlowReturnMethod::Interactive) => default,
            // Start server on localhost to accept auth code.
            Some(InstalledFlowReturnMethod::HTTPRedirect(port)) => {
                let server = server::Server::http(format!("{}", port).as_str());

                match server {
                    Result::Err(_) => default,
                    Result::Ok(server) => {
                        let (tx, rx) = channel();
                        let listening = server.handle(InstalledFlowHandler {
                            auth_code_snd: Mutex::new(tx),

                        match listening {
                            Result::Err(_) => default,
                            Result::Ok(listening) => {
                                InstalledFlow {
                                    client: default.client,
                                    server: Some(listening),
                                    port: Some(port),
                                    auth_code_rcv: Some(rx),

    /// Handles the token request flow; it consists of the following steps:
    /// . Obtain a auhorization code with user cooperation or internal redirect.
    /// . Obtain a token and refresh token using that code.
    /// . Return that token
    /// It's recommended not to use the DefaultAuthenticatorDelegate, but a specialized one.
    pub fn obtain_token<'a, AD: AuthenticatorDelegate, S, T>(&mut self,
                                                             auth_delegate: &mut AD,
                                                             appsecret: &ApplicationSecret,
                                                             scopes: S)
                                                             -> Result<Token, Box<Error>>
        where T: AsRef<str> + 'a,
              S: Iterator<Item = &'a T>
        let authcode = try!(self.get_authorization_code(auth_delegate, &appsecret, scopes));
        let tokens = try!(self.request_token(&appsecret, &authcode));

        // Successful response
        if tokens.access_token.is_some() {
            let mut token = Token {
                access_token: tokens.access_token.unwrap(),
                refresh_token: tokens.refresh_token.unwrap(),
                token_type: tokens.token_type.unwrap(),
                expires_in: tokens.expires_in,
                expires_in_timestamp: None,
        } else {
            let err = io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other,
                                     format!("Token API error: {} {}",
                                             tokens.error.unwrap_or("<unknown err>".to_string()),

    /// Obtains an authorization code either interactively or via HTTP redirect (see
    /// InstalledFlowReturnMethod).
    fn get_authorization_code<'a, AD: AuthenticatorDelegate, S, T>(&mut self,
                                                                   auth_delegate: &mut AD,
                                                                   appsecret: &ApplicationSecret,
                                                                   scopes: S)
                                                                   -> Result<String, Box<Error>>
        where T: AsRef<str> + 'a,
              S: Iterator<Item = &'a T>
        let result: Result<String, Box<Error>> = match self.server {
            None => {
                let url = build_authentication_request_url(&appsecret.auth_uri,
                match auth_delegate.present_user_url(&url, true /* need_code */) {
                    None => {
                                                            "couldn't read code")))
                    // Remove newline
                    Some(mut code) => {
            Some(_) => {
                // The redirect URI must be this very localhost URL, otherwise Google refuses
                // authorization.
                let url = build_authentication_request_url(&appsecret.auth_uri,
                auth_delegate.present_user_url(&url, false /* need_code */);

                match self.auth_code_rcv.as_ref().unwrap().recv() {
                    Result::Err(e) => Result::Err(Box::new(e)),
                    Result::Ok(s) => Result::Ok(s),
        self.server.as_mut().map(|l| l.close()).is_some();

    /// Sends the authorization code to the provider in order to obtain access and refresh tokens.
    fn request_token(&mut self,
                     appsecret: &ApplicationSecret,
                     authcode: &str)
                     -> Result<JSONTokenResponse, Box<Error>> {
        let redirect_uri;

        match self.port {
            None => redirect_uri = OOB_REDIRECT_URI.to_string(),
            Some(p) => redirect_uri = format!("http://localhost:{}", p),

        let body = form_urlencoded::serialize(vec![("code".to_string(), authcode.to_string()),
                                                   ("redirect_uri".to_string(), redirect_uri),

        let result: Result<client::Response, hyper::Error> =

        let mut resp = String::new();

        match result {
            Result::Err(e) => return Result::Err(Box::new(e)),
            Result::Ok(mut response) => {
                let result = response.read_to_string(&mut resp);

                match result {
                    Result::Err(e) => return Result::Err(Box::new(e)),
                    Result::Ok(_) => (),

        let token_resp: Result<JSONTokenResponse, error::Error> = serde_json::from_str(&resp);

        match token_resp {
            Result::Err(e) => return Result::Err(Box::new(e)),
            Result::Ok(tok) => Result::Ok(tok) as Result<JSONTokenResponse, Box<Error>>,

struct JSONTokenResponse {
    access_token: Option<String>,
    refresh_token: Option<String>,
    token_type: Option<String>,
    expires_in: Option<i64>,

    error: Option<String>,
    error_description: Option<String>,

/// HTTP handler handling the redirect from the provider.
struct InstalledFlowHandler {
    auth_code_snd: Mutex<Sender<String>>,

impl server::Handler for InstalledFlowHandler {
    fn handle(&self, rq: server::Request, mut rp: server::Response) {
        match rq.uri {
            uri::RequestUri::AbsolutePath(path) => {
                // We use a fake URL because the redirect goes to a URL, meaning we
                // can't use the url form decode (because there's slashes and hashes and stuff in
                // it).
                let url = hyper::Url::parse(&format!("http://example.com{}", path));

                if url.is_err() {
                    *rp.status_mut() = status::StatusCode::BadRequest;
                    let _ = rp.send("Unparseable URL".as_ref());
                } else {
                    *rp.status_mut() = status::StatusCode::Ok;
                    let _ = rp.send("<html><head><title>Success</title></head><body>You may now \
                                     close this window.</body></html>"
            _ => {
                *rp.status_mut() = status::StatusCode::BadRequest;
                let _ = rp.send("Invalid Request!".as_ref());

impl InstalledFlowHandler {
    fn handle_url(&self, url: hyper::Url) {
        // Google redirects to the specified localhost URL, appending the authorization
        // code, like this: http://localhost:8080/xyz/?code=4/731fJ3BheyCouCniPufAd280GHNV5Ju35yYcGs
        // We take that code and send it to the get_authorization_code() function that
        // waits for it.
        for (param, val) in url.query_pairs().into_owned() {
            if param == "code".to_string() {
                let _ = self.auth_code_snd.lock().unwrap().send(val);


mod tests {
    use super::build_authentication_request_url;
    use super::InstalledFlowHandler;

    use std::sync::Mutex;
    use std::sync::mpsc::channel;

    use hyper::Url;

    fn test_request_url_builder() {

    fn test_http_handle_url() {
        let (tx, rx) = channel();
        let handler = InstalledFlowHandler { auth_code_snd: Mutex::new(tx) };
        // URLs are usually a bit botched
        let url = Url::parse("http://example.com:1234/?code=ab/c%2Fd#").unwrap();
        assert_eq!(rx.recv().unwrap(), "ab/c/d".to_string());