yup-oauth2 0.5.2

A partial oauth2 implementation, providing the 'device' authorization flow
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**yup-oauth2** is a utility library which will implement [oauthv2 device authentication](https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/guides/authentication#devices) suitable for [**yup**](https://github.com/Byron/yup) to work.

It is implemented such that it makes no assumptions about the front-end, allowing more uses than just in yup.

### Usage

Please have a look at the [API landing page][API-docs] for all the examples you will ever need.

A simple commandline program which authenticates any scope and prints token information can be found in [the examples directory][examples].

The video below shows the *auth* example in action. It's meant to be used as utility to record all server communication and improve protocol compliance.


[API-docs]: http://byron.github.io/yup-oauth2
[examples]: https://github.com/Byron/yup-oauth2/tree/master/examples
[auth-usage]: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Byron/yup-oauth2/master/examples/auth.rs-usage.gif