yulid 0.1.0

A library to generate and parse ULIDs.


A Rust implementation of the ULID spec that aims to be as similar to uuid as possible.


  • Generation with rand API (by default)
  • Serialisation and deserialisation with serde (with feature)
  • Converting to and from UUIDs provided by the uuid crate (with feature)


use yulid::Ulid;

fn main() {
  // create a new ULID
  let ulid = Ulid::new();

  // print the lowercase form
  println!("{}", ulid.to_lowercase());

  // get the DateTime<Utc> this ULID contains
  let timestamp = ulid.timestamp();
use rand::{Rng, thread_rng};
use yulid::Ulid;

fn main() {
  // generate a ULID using rand
  let ulid: Ulid = thread_rng().gen();