yubibomb 0.2.7

Don't you love when you accidentally tap your Yubikey when you have your IRC client in focus and you send 987947 into Libera? Want to be able to have that experience without having to reach all the way over to your laptop's USB port? Now you can!
.PHONY: help check audit build clean clippy doc fmt test test_release

# Where the project is mounted inside the container
podman_mount_dir = /devel
# What tag to apply to the built container
podman_tag = yubibomb:dev
# podman flags to mount the code into the container
podman_volume = -v $(CURDIR):$(podman_mount_dir):z -v $(CURDIR)/.cache:/root/.cargo/registry:z
# podman flags to run the container
podman_run = podman run --network=host --rm -it $(podman_volume) -w $(podman_mount_dir) $(podman_tag)

help:  ## Show this help
	@egrep -h '\s##\s' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | sort | awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf "\033[36m%-20s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}'

check: fmt audit test_release build clippy test doc  ## Run the full set of CI checks

audit: container  ## Run cargo audit
	$(podman_run) cargo audit

build:  ## Run cargo build
	cargo build

clean:  ## Clean build artifacts
	cargo clean || rm -rf target
	podman rmi $(podman_tag) || true
	rm -rf $(CURDIR)/.cache

clippy:  ## Run cargo clippy
	cargo clippy --all-targets --all-features -- -D warnings

container:  ## Build the container
	mkdir -p $(CURDIR)/.cache
	podman build --pull -t $(podman_tag) $(podman_volume) --force-rm=true -f Dockerfile $(CURDIR)

doc:  ## Run cargo doc
	cargo doc --no-deps

fmt:  ## Run cargo fmt
	cargo fmt -- --check -v

license: container  ## Run cargo-license
	$(podman_run) cargo license

shell: container  ## Run bash inside the development container
	$(podman_run) bash

test:  ## Run cargo test
	cargo test

test_release:  # Run cargo test --release
	cargo test --release