ytextract 0.6.1

A Rust library for extracting various information from YouTube pages

A Library for extracting information from YouTube pages.


Subscriber count

All functions that return subscriber counts only return 3-digit precision values as that is all that YouTube returns. That means if channel has exactly 164_583 subscribers, this library will return 164_000.

Panic behavior

This library should never panic. If it does, it should be reported as a bug. Panics mostly mean, that YouTube changed something that this library could not deal with.

Basic Example

# #[async_std::main] async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
// Get a Client for making request
let client = ytextract::Client::new().await?;

// Get information about the Video identified by the id "nI2e-J6fsuk".
let video ="nI2e-J6fsuk".parse()?).await?;

// Print the title of the Video
println!("Title: {}", video.title());
# Ok(())
# }