Module yrs::types[][src]


pub use map::Map;
pub use text::Text;



Branch describes a content of a complex Yrs data structures, such as arrays or maps.

A wrapper around Branch cell, supplied with a bunch of convenience methods to operate on both map-like and array-like contents of a Branch.

An event type, triggered upon transaction commit and passed over to function callbacks registered using observe method on corresponding shared data types.

Subscription handler returned by observe method of shared data types. When dropped, causes previously registered callbacks to be unsubscribed.


A single change done over an array-component of shared data type.

A single change done over a map-component of shared data type.

Type pointer - used to localize a complex Branch node within a scope of a document store.

Value that can be returned by Yrs data types. This includes Any which is an extension representation of JSON, but also nested complex collaborative structures specific to Yrs.


Type ref identifier for an Array type.

Type ref identifier for a Map type.

Type ref identifier for a Text type.

Placeholder type ref identifier for non-specialized AbstractType. Used only for root-level types which have been integrated from remote peers before they were defined locally.

Type ref identifier for a XmlElement type.

Type ref identifier for a [XmlFragment] type. Used for compatibility.

Type ref identifier for a [XmlHook] type. Used for compatibility.

Type ref identifier for a XmlText type.

Type Definitions