youtube-subscriptions 0.2.39

terminal UI for viewing youtube subscriptions
youtube-subscriptions-0.2.39 is not a library.


terminal UI for viewing youtube subscriptions. Especially well suited for Raspberry Pi.



You can download a self-contained binary from releases page


Download your youtube subscriptions OPML. and save it as the following file: ~/.config/youtube-subscriptions/subscription_manager


press h for help.



  "video_path": "__HOME/.cache/yts/videos",
  "cache_path": "__HOME/.cache/yts/yts.json",
  "youtubedl_format": "[height <=? 360][ext = mp4]",
  "video_extension": "mp4",
  "players": [
    ["/usr/bin/mplayer", "-fs"]
  "channel_ids": []

field description default value
video_path directory where videos will be stored /tmp
cache_path file path where video list will be stored /tmp/yts.json
players list of players command for videos in order of priority
youtubedl_format see youtube-dl doc [height <=? 360][ext = mp4]
video_extension youtube-dl video extension as per format mp4
channel_ids list of additional channel ids which will be also fetched []

__HOME will be substituted with the home path.

download mode

You can update the subscriptions and download the last N videos by running. Here with N = 5:

$ youtube-subscriptions 5

This is very usefull to download your subscriptions in a cron.

Don't forget to put the path were youtube-dl is installed.

Example crontab:

50 * * * * /home/pi/youtube-subscriptions 5 > /home/pi/youtube-subscriptions.log 2>&1

cross compiling for raspberry pi

simply run:


binary will be in target/arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf/release/youtube-subscriptions