yolol_number 0.9.0

A rusty implementation of the weird-ass special number type used in yolol.

// The way I write numbers to make them easy to read makes clippy angry

use num_traits::{

use crate::prelude::*;

fn num_helper(num: YololNumber, expected: i128)
    println!("Num: {:?}", num);
    println!("Expected value:  {}", expected);

    let expected = num_traits::clamp(expected, i64::min_value().into(), i64::max_value().into());

    assert_eq!(expected, num.get_inner(), "Expected inner: {:?}. Actual inner: {:?}", expected, num.get_inner());

fn from_str_helper(input: &'static str, expected: i128)
    println!("Str input: {:?}", input);
    let num: YololNumber = input.parse::<YololNumber>().unwrap();

    num_helper(num, expected)

fn trig_helper(trig: &'static str, input: f64, expected: f64)
    println!("Trig input: '{}({})'", trig, input);

    let num = YololNumber::from_float(input);
    let (num, output) = match trig
        "sin" => (num.sin(), expected.to_radians().sin()),
        "cos" => (num.cos(), expected.to_radians().cos()),
        "tan" => (num.tan(), expected.to_radians().tan()),
        "asin" => (num.asin(), expected.to_radians().asin()),
        "acos" => (num.acos(), expected.to_radians().acos()),
        "atan" => (num.atan(), expected.to_radians().atan()),

        _ => panic!("[trig_helper] Bad trig function input!")

    println!("Trig expected in f64: '{}({}) = {}'", trig, input, output);
    let output: i128 = (output * YololNumber::conversion_val::<f64>()).round().as_();

    num_helper(num, output);

fn serialize_test()
    use serde_json;

    let num: YololNumber = NumCast::from(15.640).unwrap();
    let out = serde_json::to_string(&num).unwrap();
    println!("serialize_test: {}", out);

fn deserialize_test()
    let out: YololNumber = serde_json::from_str("\"1.564\"").unwrap();
    println!("deserialize_test: {:?}", out);

fn from_str_test()
    from_str_helper("+3.14159", 3_141);

    from_str_helper("1.0", 1_000);

    from_str_helper("0.1", 0_100);

    from_str_helper("0.01", 0_010);

    from_str_helper("0.001", 0_001);

    from_str_helper("0.0001", 0_000);

    from_str_helper("-0.1", -0_100);

    from_str_helper("0.0110", 0_011);
    from_str_helper("-0.0110", -0_011);

    from_str_helper("9999999999999999999999999999", 9223372036854775_807);

    from_str_helper("-1", -1_000);

fn trig_test()
    for i in 0..=360
        println!("Int i: {}", i);
        let i = <f64 as std::convert::From<_>>::from(i);
        println!("f64 i: {}", i);
        trig_helper("sin", i, i);
        trig_helper("cos", i, i);
        trig_helper("tan", i, i);

fn sin_test()
    let num: YololNumber = YololNumber::from_value(45);
    println!("Num: {}", num);
    println!("Sin: {}", num.sin()); 

fn cos_test()
    let num: YololNumber = YololNumber::from_value(60);
    println!("Num: {}", num);
    println!("Cos: {}", num.cos()); 

fn tan_test()
    let num: YololNumber = YololNumber::from_value(45);

    println!("Test: {}", 45_f64.to_radians());
    println!("Num: {}", num);
    println!("Tan: {}", num.tan());

fn pow_test()
    let num1 = YololNumber::from_inner(-1_000);
    let num2 = YololNumber::from_inner(-0_500);
    let out = num1.pow(num2);
    println!("Pow out = {:?}", out);

fn sqrt_test()
    let num1 = YololNumber::from_value(-1);
    let out = num1.sqrt();
    println!("Sqrt out = {:?}", out);