yoga-sys 0.2.3

Raw rust bindings for yoga (facebook flex layout cross-platform engine)

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Raw rust bindings for yoga.

Disclaimer: Those bindings are not provided by any of the facebook maintainers and thus may contains additional bugs.

Getting started:

Add to your Cargo.toml:

yoga-sys = "0.2.3"

In your or file add:

extern crate yoga_sys;


Here is the example that you can find here translated to rust using this crate:

extern crate yoga_sys;

use yoga_sys::*;

fn main() {
    unsafe {
        let root = YGNodeNew();
        YGNodeStyleSetWidth(root, 500.);
        YGNodeStyleSetHeight(root, 120.);
        YGNodeStyleSetFlexDirection(root, YGFlexDirection::YGFlexDirectionRow);
        YGNodeStyleSetPadding(root, YGEdge::YGEdgeAll, 20.);

        let image = YGNodeNew();
        YGNodeStyleSetWidth(image, 80.);
        YGNodeStyleSetMargin(image, YGEdge::YGEdgeEnd, 20.);

        let text = YGNodeNew();
        YGNodeStyleSetHeight(text, 25.);
        YGNodeStyleSetAlignSelf(text, YGAlign::YGAlignCenter);
        YGNodeStyleSetFlexGrow(text, 1.);

        YGNodeInsertChild(root, image, 0);
        YGNodeInsertChild(root, text, 1);
