yocto 0.3.0

A minimal, memory-only data store
# yocto

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Yocto is a minimalistic key-value store built for fast and reliable state exchange between applications. It's written with an emphasis on reliability, speed and ease-to-use.

## Features

- Uses a concurrent hash map as main data structure to allow multiple threads. Blocks only if the same bucket is accessed by at least one write operation.
- Allows `get`, `insert`, `remove` and `clear` operations. More to come.
- Can be deployed seamlessly with Docker.

## Usage

You can use yocto either via Docker, by building it from source or programmatically via a crate.

### Docker 

In the below snipped, replace `<host_port>` with the port you want yocto to bind to:

docker run -p <host_port>:7001 alebeck/yocto

Following environment variables can be passed:

- `YOCTO_THREADS`: Number of threads, defaults to `4`
- `YOCTO_BIND`: IP address and port to bind to inside the docker image, defaults to ``
- `YOCTO_VERBOSE`: Show debug logs, default `false`

Example usage:
docker run -p 7001:7001 --env YOCTO_THREADS=2 alebeck/yocto 

### Build from source

Pull the repository and execute 

cargo test -- --test-threads=1
cargo build --release
cargo install

### Via crates.io

Add yocto to your dependencies and use it like that:
use yocto::args::Config;

let config = Config {
    threads: 1,
    iface: "".to_string(),
    log_level: log::LogLevelFilter::Error // requires log = "0.3.0"
