Yew VNode Structure
This module contains the implementation to get all the VNode structure. it is useful for testing and debuging. For example we want to know what contain this VNode:
let example = html! ;
Now we use VNodeStruct to get the complete Vnode button and log the result:
let vnode_example = new;
We will get this in the console:
VNodeStruct {
vtag: Some(
VTagStruct {
reference: None,
attributes: {
"id": "example",
classes: Classes {
set: {},
value: None,
kind: None,
checked: false,
node_ref: NodeRef(
RefCell {
value: NodeRefInner {
node: None,
link: None,
vlist: None,
vtext: None,
vcomp: None,
vref: None,
children: Some(
VNodeStruct {
vtag: None,
vlist: Some(
VList {
children: [
VText { text: example },
elide_placeholder: true,
vtext: None,
vcomp: None,
vref: None,
children: Some(
VNodeStruct {
vtag: None,
vlist: None,
vtext: Some(
VText { text: example },
vcomp: None,
vref: None,
children: None,
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