yew 0.9.0

A framework for making client-side single-page apps
//! This module contains the `App` struct, which is used to bootstrap
//! a component in an isolated scope.

use crate::html::{Component, Renderable, Scope};
use stdweb::web::{document, Element, INode, IParentNode};

/// An application instance.
pub struct App<COMP: Component> {
    /// `Scope` holder
    scope: Scope<COMP>,

impl<COMP> Default for App<COMP>
    COMP: Component + Renderable<COMP>,
    fn default() -> Self {

impl<COMP> App<COMP>
    COMP: Component + Renderable<COMP>,
    COMP::Properties: Default,
    /// The main entrypoint of a yew program. It works similarly to the `program`
    /// function in Elm. You should provide an initial model, `update` function
    /// which will update the state of the model and a `view` function which
    /// will render the model to a virtual DOM tree. If you would like to pass props,
    /// use the `mount_with_props` method.
    pub fn mount(self, element: Element) -> Scope<COMP> {
            .mount_in_place(element, None, None, COMP::Properties::default())

    /// Alias to `mount("body", ...)`.
    pub fn mount_to_body(self) -> Scope<COMP> {
        // Bootstrap the component for `Window` environment only (not for `Worker`)
        let element = document()
            .expect("can't get body node for rendering")
            .expect("can't unwrap body node");

    /// Alternative to `mount` which replaces the body element with a component which has a body
    /// element at the root of the HTML generated by its `view` method. Use this method when you
    /// need to manipulate the body element. For example, adding/removing app-wide
    /// CSS classes of the body element.
    pub fn mount_as_body(self) -> Scope<COMP> {
        let html_element = document()
            .expect("can't get html node for rendering")
            .expect("can't unwrap html node");
        let body_element = document()
            .expect("can't get body node for rendering")
            .expect("can't unwrap body node");
            .expect("can't remove body child");
            .mount_in_place(html_element, None, None, COMP::Properties::default())

impl<COMP> App<COMP>
    COMP: Component + Renderable<COMP>,
    /// Creates a new `App` with a component in a context.
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        let scope = Scope::new();
        App { scope }

    /// The main entrypoint of a yew program which also allows passing properties. It works
    /// similarly to the `program` function in Elm. You should provide an initial model, `update`
    /// function which will update the state of the model and a `view` function which
    /// will render the model to a virtual DOM tree.
    pub fn mount_with_props(self, element: Element, props: COMP::Properties) -> Scope<COMP> {
        self.scope.mount_in_place(element, None, None, props)

    /// Alias to `mount_with_props("body", ...)`.
    pub fn mount_to_body_with_props(self, props: COMP::Properties) -> Scope<COMP> {
        // Bootstrap the component for `Window` environment only (not for `Worker`)
        let element = document()
            .expect("can't get body node for rendering")
            .expect("can't unwrap body node");
        self.mount_with_props(element, props)

    /// Alternative to `mount_with_props` which replaces the body element with a component which
    /// has a body element at the root of the HTML generated by its `view` method. Use this method
    /// when you need to manipulate the body element. For example, adding/removing app-wide
    /// CSS classes of the body element.
    pub fn mount_as_body_with_props(self, props: COMP::Properties) -> Scope<COMP> {
        let html_element = document()
            .expect("can't get html node for rendering")
            .expect("can't unwrap html node");
        let body_element = document()
            .expect("can't get body node for rendering")
            .expect("can't unwrap body node");
            .expect("can't remove body child");
        self.scope.mount_in_place(html_element, None, None, props)

/// Removes anything from the given element.
fn clear_element(element: &Element) {
    while let Some(child) = element.last_child() {
        element.remove_child(&child).expect("can't remove a child");