yew 0.20.0

A framework for creating reliable and efficient web applications
#![doc(html_logo_url = "")]
#![cfg_attr(documenting, feature(doc_cfg))]
#![cfg_attr(documenting, feature(doc_auto_cfg))]
#![cfg_attr(nightly_yew, feature(fn_traits, async_closure, unboxed_closures))]

//! # Yew Framework - API Documentation
//! Yew is a modern Rust framework for creating multi-threaded front-end web apps using WebAssembly
//! - Features a macro for declaring interactive HTML with Rust expressions. Developers who have
//!   experience using JSX in React should feel quite at home when using Yew.
//! - Achieves high performance by minimizing DOM API calls for each page render and by making it
//!   easy to offload processing to background web workers.
//! - Supports JavaScript interoperability, allowing developers to leverage NPM packages and
//!   integrate with existing JavaScript applications.
//! ### Supported Targets (Client-Side Rendering)
//! - `wasm32-unknown-unknown`
//! ### Note
//! Server-Side Rendering should work on all targets when feature `ssr` is enabled.
//! ### Supported Features:
//! - `csr`: Enables Client-side Rendering support and [`Renderer`]. Only enable this feature if you
//!   are making a Yew application (not a library).
//! - `ssr`: Enables Server-side Rendering support and [`ServerRenderer`].
//! - `hydration`: Enables Hydration support.
//! ## Example
//! ```rust
//! use yew::prelude::*;
//! enum Msg {
//!     AddOne,
//! }
//! struct App {
//!     value: i64,
//! }
//! impl Component for App {
//!     type Message = Msg;
//!     type Properties = ();
//!     fn create(ctx: &Context<Self>) -> Self {
//!         Self { value: 0 }
//!     }
//!     fn update(&mut self, _ctx: &Context<Self>, msg: Self::Message) -> bool {
//!         match msg {
//!             Msg::AddOne => {
//!                 self.value += 1;
//!                 true
//!             }
//!         }
//!     }
//!     fn view(&self, ctx: &Context<Self>) -> Html {
//!         html! {
//!             <div>
//!                 <button onclick={|_| Msg::AddOne)}>{ "+1" }</button>
//!                 <p>{ self.value }</p>
//!             </div>
//!         }
//!     }
//! }
//! # fn dont_execute() {
//! fn main() {
//!     yew::Renderer::<App>::new().render();
//! }
//! # }
//! ```

#![recursion_limit = "512"]
extern crate self as yew;

/// This macro provides a convenient way to create [`Classes`].
/// The macro takes a list of items similar to the [`vec!`] macro and returns a [`Classes`]
/// instance. Each item can be of any type that implements `Into<Classes>` (See the
/// implementations on [`Classes`] to learn what types can be used).
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # use yew::prelude::*;
/// # fn test() {
/// let conditional_class = Some("my-other-class");
/// let vec_of_classes = vec![
///     "one-bean",
///     "two-beans",
///     "three-beans",
///     "a-very-small-casserole",
/// ];
/// html! {
///     <div class={classes!("my-container-class", conditional_class, vec_of_classes)}>
///         // ...
///     </div>
/// };
/// # }
/// ```
pub use yew_macro::classes;
/// This macro implements JSX-like templates.
/// This macro always returns [`Html`].
/// If you need to preserve the type of a component, use the [`html_nested!`] macro instead.
/// More information about using the `html!` macro can be found in the [Yew Docs]
/// [`Html`]: ./html/type.Html.html
/// [`html_nested!`]: ./macro.html_nested.html
/// [Yew Docs]:
pub use yew_macro::html;
/// This macro is similar to [`html!`], but preserves the component type instead
/// of wrapping it in [`Html`].
/// That macro is useful when, for example, in a typical implementation of a list
/// component (let's assume it's called `List`).
/// In a typical implementation you might find two component types -- `List` and `ListItem`.
/// Only `ListItem` components are allowed to be children of List`.
/// You can find an example implementation of this in the [`nested_list`] example.
/// That example shows, how to create static lists with their children.
/// ```
/// # use yew::prelude::*;
/// use yew::html::ChildrenRenderer;
/// use yew::virtual_dom::VChild;
/// #[derive(Clone, Properties, PartialEq)]
/// struct ListProps {
///     children: ChildrenRenderer<ListItem>,
/// }
/// struct List;
/// impl Component for List {
/// #   type Message = ();
///     type Properties = ListProps;
///     // ...
/// #   fn create(ctx: &Context<Self>) -> Self { Self }
/// #   fn view(&self, ctx: &Context<Self>) -> Html { unimplemented!() }
/// }
/// #[derive(Clone, PartialEq)]
/// struct ListItem;
/// impl Component for ListItem {
/// #   type Message = ();
/// #   type Properties = ();
///     // ...
/// #   fn create(ctx: &Context<Self>) -> Self { Self }
/// #   fn view(&self, ctx: &Context<Self>) -> Html { unimplemented!() }
/// }
/// // Required for ChildrenRenderer
/// impl From<VChild<ListItem>> for ListItem {
///     fn from(child: VChild<ListItem>) -> Self {
///         Self
///     }
/// }
/// impl Into<Html> for ListItem {
///     fn into(self) -> Html {
///         html! { <self /> }
///     }
/// }
/// // You can use `List` with nested `ListItem` components.
/// // Using any other kind of element would result in a compile error.
/// # fn test() -> Html {
/// html! {
///   <List>
///     <ListItem/>
///     <ListItem/>
///     <ListItem/>
///   </List>
/// }
/// # }
/// # fn test_iter() -> Html {
/// # let some_iter = (0..10);
/// // In many cases you might want to create the content dynamically.
/// // To do this, you can use the following code:
/// html! {
///   <List>
///     { for|_| html_nested!{ <ListItem/> }) }
///   </List>
/// }
/// # }
/// ```
/// If you used the [`html!`] macro instead of `html_nested!`, the code would
/// not compile because we explicitly indicated to the compiler that `List`
/// can only contain elements of type `ListItem` using [`ChildrenRenderer<ListItem>`],
/// while [`html!`] creates items of type [`Html`].
/// [`html!`]: ./macro.html.html
/// [`Html`]: ./html/type.Html.html
/// [`nested_list`]:
/// [`ChildrenRenderer<ListItem>`]: ./html/struct.ChildrenRenderer.html
pub use yew_macro::html_nested;
/// Build [`Properties`] outside of the [`html!`] macro.
/// It's already possible to create properties like normal Rust structs
/// but if there are lots of optional props the end result is often needlessly verbose.
/// This macro allows you to build properties the same way the [`html!`] macro does.
/// The macro doesn't support special props like `ref` and `key`, they need to be set in the
/// [`html!`] macro.
/// You can read more about `Properties` in the [Yew Docs].
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # use yew::prelude::*;
/// use std::borrow::Cow;
/// #[derive(Clone, Properties, PartialEq)]
/// struct Props {
///     #[prop_or_default]
///     id: usize,
///     name: Cow<'static, str>,
/// }
/// struct MyComponent(Props);
/// impl Component for MyComponent {
/// #   type Message = ();
///     type Properties = Props;
///     // ...
/// #   fn create(ctx: &Context<Self>) -> Self { unimplemented!() }
/// #   fn view(&self, ctx: &Context<Self>) -> Html { unimplemented!() }
/// }
/// # fn foo() -> Html {
/// // You can build props directly ...
/// let props = yew::props!(Props {
///     name: Cow::from("Minka")
/// });
/// # assert_eq!(, "Minka");
/// // ... or build the associated properties of a component
/// let props = yew::props!(MyComponent::Properties {
///     id: 2,
///     name: Cow::from("Lemmy")
/// });
/// # assert_eq!(, 2);
/// // Use the Rust-like struct update syntax to create a component with the props.
/// html! {
///     <MyComponent key=1 ..props />
/// }
/// # }
/// ```
/// [`html!`]: ./macro.html.html
/// [`Properties`]: ./html/trait.Properties.html
/// [Yew Docs]:
pub use yew_macro::props;

/// This module contains macros which implements html! macro and JSX-like templates
pub mod macros {
    pub use crate::{classes, html, html_nested, props};

pub mod callback;
pub mod context;
#[cfg(feature = "csr")]
mod dom_bundle;
pub mod functional;
pub mod html;
pub mod platform;
pub mod scheduler;
mod sealed;
#[cfg(feature = "ssr")]
mod server_renderer;
pub mod suspense;
pub mod utils;
pub mod virtual_dom;
#[cfg(feature = "ssr")]
pub use server_renderer::*;

#[cfg(feature = "csr")]
mod app_handle;
#[cfg(feature = "csr")]
mod renderer;

#[cfg(feature = "csr")]
pub mod tests;

/// The module that contains all events available in the framework.
pub mod events {
    pub use web_sys::{
        AnimationEvent, DragEvent, ErrorEvent, Event, FocusEvent, InputEvent, KeyboardEvent,
        MouseEvent, PointerEvent, ProgressEvent, SubmitEvent, TouchEvent, TransitionEvent, UiEvent,

    #[cfg(feature = "csr")]
    pub use crate::dom_bundle::set_event_bubbling;
    pub use crate::html::TargetCast;

#[cfg(feature = "csr")]
pub use crate::app_handle::AppHandle;
#[cfg(feature = "csr")]
pub use crate::renderer::{set_custom_panic_hook, Renderer};

pub mod prelude {
    //! The Yew Prelude
    //! The purpose of this module is to alleviate imports of many common types:
    //! ```
    //! # #![allow(unused_imports)]
    //! use yew::prelude::*;
    //! ```

    #[cfg(feature = "csr")]
    pub use crate::app_handle::AppHandle;
    pub use crate::callback::Callback;
    pub use crate::context::{ContextHandle, ContextProvider};
    pub use crate::events::*;
    pub use crate::functional::*;
    pub use crate::html::{
        create_portal, BaseComponent, Children, ChildrenWithProps, Classes, Component, Context,
        Html, HtmlResult, NodeRef, Properties,
    pub use crate::macros::{classes, html, html_nested};
    pub use crate::suspense::Suspense;
    pub use crate::virtual_dom::AttrValue;

pub use self::prelude::*;