yew 0.20.0

A framework for creating reliable and efficient web applications
//! Function components are a simplified version of normal components.
//! They consist of a single function annotated with the attribute `#[function_component]`
//! that receives props and determines what should be rendered by returning [`Html`](crate::Html).
//! Functions with the attribute have to return `Html` and may take a single parameter for the type
//! of props the component should accept. The parameter type needs to be a reference to a
//! `Properties` type (ex. `props: &MyProps`). If the function doesn't have any parameters the
//! resulting component doesn't accept any props.
//! Just mark the component with the attribute. The component will be named after the function.
//! ```rust
//! # use yew::prelude::*;
//! #
//! #[function_component]
//! fn HelloWorld() -> Html {
//!     html! { "Hello world" }
//! }
//! ```
//! More details about function components and Hooks can be found on [Yew Docs](

use std::any::Any;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::fmt;
use std::rc::Rc;

use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*;

#[cfg(all(feature = "hydration", feature = "ssr"))]
use crate::html::RenderMode;
use crate::html::{AnyScope, BaseComponent, Context, HtmlResult};
use crate::Properties;

mod hooks;
pub use hooks::*;
/// This attribute creates a function component from a normal Rust function.
/// Functions with this attribute **must** return `Html` and can optionally take an argument
/// for props. Note that the function only receives a reference to the props.
/// When using this attribute you need to provide a name for the component:
/// `#[function_component(ComponentName)]`.
/// The attribute will then automatically create a [`FunctionComponent`] with the given
/// identifier which you can use like a normal component.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// # use yew::prelude::*;
/// #
/// # #[derive(Properties, Clone, PartialEq)]
/// # pub struct Props {
/// #     text: String
/// # }
/// #
/// #[function_component(NameOfComponent)]
/// pub fn component(props: &Props) -> Html {
///     html! {
///         <p>{ &props.text }</p>
///     }
/// }
/// ```
pub use yew_macro::function_component;
/// This attribute creates a user-defined hook from a normal Rust function.
pub use yew_macro::hook;

type ReRender = Rc<dyn Fn()>;

/// Primitives of a prepared state hook.
#[cfg(any(feature = "hydration", feature = "ssr"))]
pub(crate) trait PreparedState {
    #[cfg(feature = "ssr")]
    fn prepare(&self) -> String;

/// Primitives of an effect hook.
pub(crate) trait Effect {
    fn rendered(&self) {}

/// A hook context to be passed to hooks.
pub struct HookContext {
    pub(crate) scope: AnyScope,
    #[cfg(all(feature = "hydration", feature = "ssr"))]
    creation_mode: RenderMode,
    re_render: ReRender,

    states: Vec<Rc<dyn Any>>,
    effects: Vec<Rc<dyn Effect>>,

    #[cfg(any(feature = "hydration", feature = "ssr"))]
    prepared_states: Vec<Rc<dyn PreparedState>>,

    #[cfg(feature = "hydration")]
    prepared_states_data: Vec<Rc<str>>,
    #[cfg(feature = "hydration")]
    prepared_state_counter: usize,

    counter: usize,
    total_hook_counter: Option<usize>,

impl HookContext {
    fn new(
        scope: AnyScope,
        re_render: ReRender,
        #[cfg(all(feature = "hydration", feature = "ssr"))] creation_mode: RenderMode,
        #[cfg(feature = "hydration")] prepared_state: Option<&str>,
    ) -> RefCell<Self> {
        RefCell::new(HookContext {

            #[cfg(all(feature = "hydration", feature = "ssr"))]

            states: Vec::new(),

            #[cfg(any(feature = "hydration", feature = "ssr"))]
            prepared_states: Vec::new(),
            effects: Vec::new(),

            #[cfg(feature = "hydration")]
            prepared_states_data: {
                match prepared_state {
                    Some(m) => m.split(',').map(Rc::from).collect(),
                    None => Vec::new(),
            #[cfg(feature = "hydration")]
            prepared_state_counter: 0,

            counter: 0,
            total_hook_counter: None,

    pub(crate) fn next_state<T>(&mut self, initializer: impl FnOnce(ReRender) -> T) -> Rc<T>
        T: 'static,
        // Determine which hook position we're at and increment for the next hook
        let hook_pos = self.counter;
        self.counter += 1;

        let state = match self.states.get(hook_pos).cloned() {
            Some(m) => m,
            None => {
                let initial_state = Rc::new(initializer(self.re_render.clone()));



    pub(crate) fn next_effect<T>(&mut self, initializer: impl FnOnce(ReRender) -> T) -> Rc<T>
        T: 'static + Effect,
        let prev_state_len = self.states.len();
        let t = self.next_state(initializer);

        // This is a new effect, we add it to effects.
        if self.states.len() != prev_state_len {


    #[cfg(any(feature = "hydration", feature = "ssr"))]
    pub(crate) fn next_prepared_state<T>(
        &mut self,
        initializer: impl FnOnce(ReRender, Option<&str>) -> T,
    ) -> Rc<T>
        T: 'static + PreparedState,
        #[cfg(not(feature = "hydration"))]
        let prepared_state = Option::<Rc<str>>::None;

        #[cfg(feature = "hydration")]
        let prepared_state = {
            let prepared_state_pos = self.prepared_state_counter;
            self.prepared_state_counter += 1;


        let prev_state_len = self.states.len();
        let t = self.next_state(move |re_render| initializer(re_render, prepared_state.as_deref()));

        // This is a new effect, we add it to effects.
        if self.states.len() != prev_state_len {


    fn prepare_run(&mut self) {
        #[cfg(feature = "hydration")]
            self.prepared_state_counter = 0;

        self.counter = 0;

    /// asserts hook counter.
    /// This function asserts that the number of hooks matches for every render.
    fn assert_hook_context(&mut self, render_ok: bool) {
        // Procedural Macros can catch most conditionally called hooks at compile time, but it
        // cannot detect early return (as the return can be Err(_), Suspension).
        match (render_ok, self.total_hook_counter) {
            // First rendered,
            // we store the hook counter.
            (true, None) => {
                self.total_hook_counter = Some(self.counter);
            // Component is suspended before it's first rendered.
            // We don't have a total count to compare with.
            (false, None) => {}

            // Subsequent render,
            // we compare stored total count and current render count.
            (true, Some(total_hook_counter)) => assert_eq!(
                total_hook_counter, self.counter,
                "Hooks are called conditionally."

            // Subsequent suspension,
            // components can have less hooks called when suspended, but not more.
            (false, Some(total_hook_counter)) => assert!(
                self.counter <= total_hook_counter,
                "Hooks are called conditionally."

    fn run_effects(&self) {
        for effect in self.effects.iter() {

    fn drain_states(&mut self) {
        // We clear the effects as these are also references to states.

        for state in self.states.drain(..) {

    #[cfg(not(feature = "ssr"))]
    fn prepare_state(&self) -> Option<String> {

    #[cfg(feature = "ssr")]
    fn prepare_state(&self) -> Option<String> {
        if self.prepared_states.is_empty() {
            return None;

        let prepared_states = self.prepared_states.clone();

        let mut states = Vec::new();

        for state in prepared_states.iter() {
            let state = state.prepare();


impl fmt::Debug for HookContext {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {

/// Trait that allows a struct to act as Function Component.
pub trait FunctionProvider {
    /// Properties for the Function Component.
    type Properties: Properties + PartialEq;

    /// Render the component. This function returns the [`Html`](crate::Html) to be rendered for the
    /// component.
    /// Equivalent of [`Component::view`](crate::html::Component::view).
    fn run(ctx: &mut HookContext, props: &Self::Properties) -> HtmlResult;

/// A type that interacts [`FunctionProvider`] to provide lifecycle events to be bridged to
/// [`BaseComponent`].
/// # Note
/// Function Components should not be implemented with this type directly.
/// Use the `#[function_component]` macro instead.
pub struct FunctionComponent<T>
    T: FunctionProvider,
    _never: std::marker::PhantomData<T>,
    hook_ctx: RefCell<HookContext>,

impl<T> FunctionComponent<T>
    T: FunctionProvider + 'static,
    /// Creates a new function component.
    pub fn new(ctx: &Context<T>) -> Self
        T: BaseComponent<Message = ()> + FunctionProvider + 'static,
        let scope = AnyScope::from(;
        let re_render = {
            let link =;

            Rc::new(move || link.send_message(()))

        Self {
            _never: std::marker::PhantomData::default(),
            hook_ctx: HookContext::new(
                #[cfg(all(feature = "hydration", feature = "ssr"))]
                #[cfg(feature = "hydration")]

    /// Renders a function component.
    pub fn render(&self, props: &T::Properties) -> HtmlResult {
        let mut hook_ctx = self.hook_ctx.borrow_mut();


        let result = T::run(&mut hook_ctx, props);



    /// Run Effects of a function component.
    pub fn rendered(&self) {
        let hook_ctx = self.hook_ctx.borrow();

    /// Destroys the function component.
    pub fn destroy(&self) {
        let mut hook_ctx = self.hook_ctx.borrow_mut();

    /// Prepares the server-side state.
    pub fn prepare_state(&self) -> Option<String> {
        let hook_ctx = self.hook_ctx.borrow();

impl<T> fmt::Debug for FunctionComponent<T>
    T: FunctionProvider + 'static,
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {