yew 0.12.0

A framework for making client-side single-page apps
<!-- Thanks for filing a yew issue! We appreciate it :-) -->

#### Description

**I'm submitting a ...**  (check one with "x")

<!-- Choose one of:
- question - please describe the problem you're trying to solve and give as much context as possible.
- feature request - please describe the behavior you want and the motivation.
- bug report - please describe shortly your bug and fill out the other sections.

Put your description here

#### Expected Results

<!-- Describe what the behavior would be without the bug. -->
insert short code snippets here
<!-- If the output is large, put it in a gist: -->

#### Actual Results

<!-- Describe how the bug manifests. -->
insert short code snippets here
<!-- If the output is large, put it in a gist: -->

#### Context (Environment)

<!-- precise nightly or stable -->
- Rust: vX.X.X

<!-- if you're not on a tagged version precise the commit hash -->
- yew: vX.X.X

<!-- wasm32-unknown-unknown, wasm32-unknown-emscripten or asmjs-unknown-emscripten -->
- target:

<!-- if you're not on a tagged version precise the commit hash -->
- cargo-web: vX.X.X

- browser if relevant