yew 0.11.0

A framework for making client-side single-page apps
# Changelog

## **0.11** *(2020-01-06)*

This release aims to lay the groundwork for Yew component libraries and clean up the API for the ever elusive 1.0 release.

### Transition Guide

This release comes with a lot of breaking changes. We understand it's a hassle to update projects but the Yew team felt it was necessary to rip a few bandaids off now as we approach a 1.0 release in the (hopefully) near future. To ease the transition, here's a guide which outlines the main refactoring you will need to do for your project. (Note: all of the changes are reflected in the many example projects if you would like a proper reference example)

#### 1. Callback syntax

This is the main painful breaking change. It applies to both element listeners as well as `Component` callback properties. A good rule of thumb is that your components will now have to retain a `ComponentLink` to create callbacks on demand or initialize callbacks in your component's `create()` method.

struct Model;

enum Msg {

impl Component for Model {
    type Message = Msg;
    type Properties = ();

    fn create(_: Self::Properties, _: ComponentLink<Self>) -> Self {

    fn update(&mut self, msg: Self::Message) -> ShouldRender {
        match msg {
            Msg::Click => true,

    fn view(&self) -> Html<Self> {
        // BEFORE: Callbacks were created implicitly from this closure syntax
        html! {
            <button onclick=|_| Msg::Click>{ "Click me!" }</button>

struct Model {
  link: ComponentLink<Self>,

enum Msg {

impl Component for Model {
    type Message = Msg;
    type Properties = ();

    fn create(_: Self::Properties, link: ComponentLink<Self>) -> Self {
        Model { link }

    fn update(&mut self, msg: Self::Message) -> ShouldRender {
        match msg {
            Msg::Click => true,

    fn view(&self) -> Html {
        // AFTER: Callbacks need to be explicitly created now
        let onclick =|_| Msg::Click);
        html! {
            <button onclick=onclick>{ "Click me!" }</button>

If a closure has a parameter you will now need to specify the parameter's type.  A tip for finding the appropriate type is to search Yew's repo for the HTML attribute the closure is assigned to.

For example, `onkeydown` of `<button>`:

let onkeydown =|e: KeyDownEvent| {
    // ...


html! {
    <button onkeydown=onkeydown type="button">
        { "button" }

#### 2. Method Renames

It should be safe to do a project-wide find/replace for the following:

- `send_self(` -> `send_message(`
- `send_back(` -> `callback(`
- `response(` -> `respond(`
- `AgentUpdate` -> `AgentLifecycleEvent`

These renames will probably require some more care:

- `fn handle(` -> `fn handle_input(` *(for Agent trait implementations)*

#### 3. Drop Generic Types for `Html<Self>` -> `Html`

:tada: We are pretty excited about this change! The generic type parameter
was confusing and restrictive and is now a thing of the past!

impl Component for Model {
    // ...

    fn view(&self) -> Html<Self> {
        html! { /* ... */ }

impl Component for Model {
    // ...

    fn view(&self) -> Html {
        html! { /* ... */ }

#### 4. Properties must implement `Clone`

In yew v0.8 we removed the requirement that component properties implement `Clone`
and in this release we are adding the requirement again. This change is needed
to improve the ergonomics of nested components. The only time properties will be
cloned is when a wrapper component re-renders nested children components.

- #### ⚡️ Features

  - Added `html_nested!` macro to support nested iterable children access. [[@trivigy], [#843]]
  - Added `bincode` to the list of supported formats. [[@serzhiio], [#806]]
  - Added a `noop()` convenience method to `Callback` which creates a no-op callback. [[@mdtusz], [#793]]
  - The `html!` macro now accepts a `Callback` for element listeners. [[@jstarry], [#777]]

  struct Model {
      onclick: Callback<ClickEvent>,

  enum Msg {

  impl Component for Model {
      type Message = Msg;
      type Properties = ();

      fn create(_: Self::Properties, link: ComponentLink<Self>) -> Self {
          Model {
              onclick: link.callback(|_| Msg::Click),

      fn update(&mut self, msg: Self::Message) -> ShouldRender {
          match msg {
              Msg::Click => true,

      fn view(&self) -> Html {
          html! {
              <button onclick=&self.onclick>{ "Click me!" }</button>

  - Add `send_message_batch` method to `ComponentLink`. [[@hgzimmerman], [#748]]
  - Allow compilation to `wasi` target without `wasm_bindgen`. [[@dunnock], [#746]]
  - `AgentLink` now implements `Clone` which enables `Future` usage without explicit Yew framework support. [[@izissise], [#802]]
  - `ComponentLink` now implements `Clone` which enables `Future` usage without explicit Yew framework support. [[@hgzimmerman], [#749]]

  use wasm_bindgen::JsValue;
  use wasm_bindgen_futures::future_to_promise;

  // future must implement `Future<Output = Component::Message> + 'static`
  let link =;
  let js_future = async move {


- #### 🛠 Fixes

  - Fixed handling of boolean tag attributes. [[@mrh0057], [#840]]
  - Improved nested component ergonomics. [[@jstarry], [#780]]

  fn view(&self) -> Html {
      html! {
              // This is now valid. (before #780, this would cause a lifetime
              // compile error because children nodes were moved into a closure)
              <Nested on_click=&self.nested_on_click />

  - Creating a `Callback` with `ComponentLink` is no longer restricted to mutable references, improving ergonomics. [[@jstarry], [#780]]
  - The `Callback` `reform` method no longer consumes self making it easier to "reverse map" a `Callback`. [[@jstarry], [#779]]

  pub struct ListHeader {
      props: Props,

  #[derive(Properties, Clone)]
  pub struct Props {
      pub on_hover: Callback<Hovered>,
      pub text: String,

  impl Component for ListHeader {
      type Message = ();
      type Properties = Props;

      fn create(props: Self::Properties, _: ComponentLink<Self>) -> Self {
          ListHeader { props }

      fn update(&mut self, _: Self::Message) -> ShouldRender {

      fn view(&self) -> Html {
          let onmouseover = self.props.on_hover.reform(|_| Hovered::Header);
          html! {
              <div class="list-header" onmouseover=onmouseover>
                  { &self.props.text }

  - Reduced allocations in the `Classes` `to_string` method. [[@hgzimmerman], [#772]]
  - Empty string class names are now filtered out to prevent panics. [[@jstarry], [#770]]

- #### 🚨 Breaking changes

  - Components with generic args now need to be closed with the full type path. (e.g. `html! { <Wrapper<String>></Wrapper<String>>}`) [[@jstarry], [#837]]
  - Changed `VTag` listener type from `Box<dyn Listener>` to `Rc<dyn Listener>`. [[@jstarry], [#786]]
  - `Properties` need to implement `Clone` again in order to improve nested component ergonomics. [[@jstarry], [#786]]
  - Removed `send_future` method from `ComponentLink` since it is no longer necessary for using Futures with Yew. [[@hgzimmerman], [#799]]
  - Removed generic type parameter from `Html` and all virtual node types: `VNode`, `VComp`, `VTag`, `VList`, `VText`, etc. [[@jstarry], [#783]]
  - Removed support for macro magic closure syntax for element listeners. (See transition guide for how to pass a `Callback` explicitly instead). [[@jstarry], [#782]]
  - Renamed `Agent` methods and event type for clarity. `handle` -> `handle_input`, `AgentUpdate` -> `AgentLifecycleEvent`, `response` -> `respond`. [[@philip-peterson], [#751]]
  - The `ComponentLink` `send_back` method has been renamed to `callback` for clarity. [[@jstarry], [#780]]
  - The `ComponentLink` `send_self` and `send_self_batch` methods have been renamed to `send_message` and `send_message_batch` for clarity. [[@jstarry], [#780]]
  - The `Agent` `send_back` method has been renamed to `callback` for clarity. [[@jstarry], [#780]]
  - The `VTag` `children` value type has changed from `Vec<VNode>` to `VList`. [[@jstarry], [#754]]

## **0.10** *(2019-11-11)*

- #### ⚡️ Features

  - `Future` support :tada: A `Component` can update following the completion of a `Future`. Check out [this example] to see how it works. This approach was borrowed from a fork of Yew called [`plaster`] created by [@carlosdp]. [[@hgzimmerman], [#717]]
  - Added the `agent` and `services` features so that this functionality can be disabled (useful if you are switching to using `Future`s). [[@hgzimmerman], [#684]]
  - Add `ref` keyword for allowing a `Component` to have a direct reference to its rendered elements. For example, you can now easily focus an `<input>` element after mounting. [[@jstarry], [#715]]

  use stdweb::web::html_element::InputElement;
  use stdweb::web::IHtmlElement;
  use yew::*;

  pub struct Input {
      node_ref: NodeRef,

  impl Component for Input {
      type Message = ();
      type Properties = ();

      fn create(_: Self::Properties, _: ComponentLink<Self>) -> Self {
          Input {
              node_ref: NodeRef::default(),

      fn mounted(&mut self) -> ShouldRender {
          if let Some(input) = self.node_ref.try_into::<InputElement>() {

      fn update(&mut self, _: Self::Message) -> ShouldRender {

      fn view(&self) -> Html<Self> {
          html! {
              <input ref=self.node_ref.clone() type="text" />

  - Make `Agent` related types `public` to allow other crates to create custom agents. [[@dunnock], [#721]]
  - `Component::change` will now return `false` for components that have `Component::Properties == ()`. [[@kellytk], [#690]]]
  - Updated `wasm-bindgen` dependency to `0.2.54`. Please update your `wasm-bindgen-cli` tool by running `cargo install --force --version 0.2.54 -- wasm-bindgen-cli`. [[@jstarry], [#730]], [[@ctaggart], [#681]]

- #### 🛠 Fixes

  - Fixed the mount order of components. The root component will be mounted after all descendants have been mounted. [[@jstarry], [#725]]
  - All public items now implement `Debug`. [[@hgzimmerman], [#673]]

- #### 🚨 Breaking changes

  - Minimum rustc version has been bumped to `1.39.0` for `Future` support. [[@jstarry], [#730]]
  - `Component` now has a required `view` method and automatically implements the `Renderable` trait. The `view` method in the `Renderable` trait has been renamed to `render`. [[@jstarry], [#563]]

    impl Component for Model {
        type Message = Msg;
        type Properties = ();

        fn create(_: Self::Properties, _: ComponentLink<Self>) -> Self {
            Model {}

        fn update(&mut self, msg: Self::Message) -> ShouldRender {

    impl Renderable<Model> for Model {
        fn view(&self) -> Html<Self> {
            html! { "hello" }

    impl Component for Model {
        type Message = Msg;
        type Properties = ();

        fn create(_: Self::Properties, _: ComponentLink<Self>) -> Self {
            Model {}

        fn update(&mut self, msg: Self::Message) -> ShouldRender {

        fn view(&self) -> Html<Self> {
            html! { "hello" }

  - Removed the `Transferable` trait since it did no more than extend the serde `Serialize` and `Deserialize` traits. [[@hgzimmerman], [#319]]

    impl Transferable for Input {}
    #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
    pub enum Input {

    #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
    pub enum Input {
  - `WebSocketService::connect` will now return a `Result` in order to stop panicking on malformed urls. [[@lizhaoxian], [#727]]
  - `VTag` now is boxed within `VNode` to shrink the size of its enum representation. [[@hgzimmerman], [#675]]

## **0.9.2** *(2019-10-12)*

- #### 🛠 Fixes

  - Fix `yew-macro` dependency version

## **0.9.1** *(2019-10-12)*

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving! 🦃

- #### ⚡️ Features

  - Implemented `Default` trait for `VNode` so that `unwrap_or_default` can be called on `Option<Html<Self>>`. [[@hgzimmerman], [#672]]
  - Implemented `PartialEq` trait for `Classes` so that is more ergonomic to use `Classes` type in component props. [[@hgzimmerman], [#680]]
  - Updated `wasm-bindgen` dependency to `0.2.50`. Please update your `wasm-bindgen-cli` tool by running `cargo install --force --version 0.2.50 -- wasm-bindgen-cli`. [[@jstarry], [#695]]

- #### 🛠 Fixes

  - Fixed issue where text nodes were sometimes rendered out of order. [[@jstarry], [#697]]
  - Fixed regression introduced in 0.9.0 that prevented tag attributes from updating properly. [[@jstarry], [#698]]
  - Fixed emscripten builds by pinning the version for the `ryu` downstream dependency. [[@jstarry], [#703]]
  - Updated `stdweb` to `0.4.20` which fixed emscripten builds and unblocked updating `wasm-bindgen` to `0.2.50`. [[@ctaggart], [@jstarry], [#683], [#694]]
  - Cleaned up build warnings for missing `dyn` keywords. [[@benreyn], [#687]]

## **0.9** *(2019-09-27)*

- #### ⚡️ Features

  - New `KeyboardService` for setting up key listeners on browsers which support the feature. [[@hgzimmerman], [#647]]
  - `ComponentLink` can now create a `Callback` with more than one `Message`. The `Message`'s will be batched together so that the `Component` will not be re-rendered more than necessary. [[@stkevintan], [#660]]
  - `Message`'s to `Public` `Agent`'s will now be queued if the `Agent` hasn't finished setting up yet. [[@serzhiio], [#596]]
  - `Agent`'s can now be connected to without a `Callback`. Instead of creating a bridge to the agent, create a dispatcher like so: `MyAgent::dispatcher()`. [[@hgzimmerman], [#639]]
  - `Component`'s can now accept children in the `html!` macro. [[@jstarry], [#589]]


    html! {
      <MyList name="Grocery List">
        <MyListItem text="Apples" />


    use yew::prelude::*;

    pub struct MyList(Props);

    pub struct Props {
        pub name: String,
        pub children: Children<MyListItem>,

    impl Renderable<MyList> for MyList {
      fn view(&self) -> Html<Self> {
        html! {{

  - `Iterator`s can now be rendered in the `html!` macro without using the `for` keyword. [[@hgzimmerman], [#622]]

    html! {{
      for self.props.items.iter().map(renderItem)

    html! {{

  - Closures are now able to be transformed into optional `Callback` properties. [[@Wodann], [#612]]
  - Improved CSS class ergonomics with new `Classes` type. [[@DenisKolodin], [#585]], [[@hgzimmerman], [#626]]
  - Touch events are now supported `<div ontouchstart=|_| Msg::TouchStart>` [[@boydjohnson], [#584]], [[@jstarry], [#656]]
  - The `Component` trait now has an `mounted` method which can be implemented to react to when your components have been mounted to the DOM. [[@hgzimmerman], [#583]]
  - Additional Fetch options `mode`, `cache`, and `redirect` are now supported [[@davidkna], [#579]]
  - The derive props macro now supports Properties with lifetimes [[@jstarry], [#580]]
  - New `ResizeService` for registering for `window` size updates [[@hgzimmerman], [#577]]

- #### 🛠 Fixes

  - Fixed JS typo in RenderService. This was causing animation frames to not be dropped correctly. [[@jstarry], [#658]]
  - Fixed `VNode` orphaning bug when destroying `VTag` elements. This caused some `Component`s to not be properly destroyed when they should have been. [[@hgzimmerman], [#651]]
  - Fix mishandling of Properties `where` clause in derive_props macro [[@astraw], [#640]]

- #### 🚨 Breaking changes


## **0.8** *(2019-08-10)*

***Props! Props! Props!***

This release introduces a more developer friendly way to handle your `Component` props. Use the new `#[derive(Properties)]` macro to beef up your props! Property values can now be annotated as `#[props(required)]` which will enforce that props are present at compile time. This means that your props struct no longer needs to implement `Default`, so time to clean up all of those prop values you wrapped in `Option` to have a default value.

- #### ⚡️ Features

  - `html!` - Self-closing html tags can now be used: `<div class="marker" />` [[@totorigolo], [#523]]
  - `html!` - SVG name-spaced tags are now supported! [[@jstarry], [#550]]
  - Properties can now be required at compile time [[@jstarry], [#553]]
  - App components can now be mounted with properties [[@jstarry], [#567]]
  - Apps can now be mounted as the `<body>` tag [[@jstarry], [@kellytk], [#540]]
  - Content editable elements can now trigger `oninput` events [[@tiziano88], [#549]]

- #### 🛠 Fixes

  - `html!` - Class name order is now preserved which unlocks the use of Semantic UI [[@charvp], [#424]]
  - `html!` - Dashed tag names and properties are supported [[@jstarry], [#512], [#550]]
  - `html!` - All rust keywords can be used as tag attributes [[@jstarry], [#550]]
  - `html!` - Support `Callback` closure with explicit return type [[@totorigolo], [#564]]
  - `html!` - Fixed edge case where `>` token would break parser [[@totorigolo], [#565]]
  - Performance improvement to the diff engine [[@totorigolo], [#539]]
  - `Properties` no longer need to implement the `PartialEq`, `Clone`, or `Default` traits [[@jstarry], [#553]]
  - `Component` will not panic if the `change` method is unimplemented [[@jstarry], [#554]]

- #### 🚨 Breaking changes

  - The `Component::Properties` associated type must implement the new `Properties` trait [[@jstarry], [#553]]

    The new `Properties` trait is what powers the ability to check required props are present at compile time. Use the derive props macro to implement automatically.

    use yew::Properties;

    pub struct Props {
      pub value: MyStruct,

  - `Callback` props no longer transform into `Option` types [[@jstarry], [#553]]

    html! { <Button on_click=Msg::Click /> }


    #[derive(PartialEq, Clone, Default)]
    pub struct Props {
        on_click: Option<Callback<()>>,

    ***after:*** *note the `#[props(required)]` attribute*

    #[derive(PartialEq, Properties)]
    pub struct Props {
        on_click: Callback<()>,

## **0.7** *(2019-07-19)*

***Commas? We don't need no stinkin' commas!***

This release brings a new and improved `html!` macro for writing JSX-like syntax. Commas and colons are no longer necessary now that the macro is written as a procedural macro.

- #### ⚡️ Features
  - `html!{}` is now valid syntax and can be used to render nothing [[@jstarry], [#500]]
  - Apps can now be built without `cargo-web` using `wasm-bindgen` [[@jstarry], [#497]]
  - `Callback` now implements `Debug` [[@DenisKolodin], [#485]]
  - New utility method for getting the `host` of the current page [[@DenisKolodin], [#509]]

- #### 🛠 Fixes
  - `html!` - Commas are no longer necessary for splitting up attributes [[@jstarry], [#500]]
  - `html!` - Colons are no longer necessary for denoting a `Component` tag [[@jstarry], [#500]]
  - Textarea value can be now be set: `<textarea value="content">` [[@DenisKolodin], [#476]]
  -  changed `StorageService::restore` to take an immutable receiver [[@dermetfan], [#480]]
  - Fixed a component rendering bug [[@jstarry], [#502]]

## **0.6** *(2019-02-20)*

- #### ⚡️ Features
  - Added `start_app` convenience method for initializing the app and mounting it to the body [[@DenisKolodin], [#462]]
  - Added handling of files of `input` element. There is now a `ChangeData::Files` variant for the `onchange` handler [[@DenisKolodin], [#464]]
  - Added `ReaderService` to read data from `File` instances. [[@DenisKolodin], [#464], [#468]]

- #### 🛠 Fixes
  - It was impossible to set `value` attribute for any tag instead of `option`, because it used
  inner value of `VTag` to keep the value for `input` element. Now `value` attribute works
  for `options`, `progress` tags, etc.

- #### 🔮 Examples
  - New example `file_upload` that prints sizes of uploaded files [[@DenisKolodin], [#464]]

## **0.5** *(2019-02-01)*

**🎶 Secret Agent Man 🎶**

This release introduces the concept of an `Agent`. Agents are separate activities which you could run in the same thread or in a separate thread. There are three types of agents `Context`, `Job`, `Public` described below. To connect to an agent use the `Worker::bridge` method and pass a link of component's environment to it.

- #### ⚡️ Features
  - Introduced the concept of an `Agent` which can run processes in other contexts:
    - `Context` agent spawns once per thread
    - `Job` agent spawns for every bridge
    - `Public` agent spawns an agent in a separate thread (it uses [Web Workers API] under the hood).
  - Allow setting the whole properties struct of a component with `<Component: with props />`
  - `ComponentLink` now has a `send_self` method which allows components to update themselves [[@DenisKolodin], [#365]]
  - All services are re-exported within the `yew::services` module.
  - `html!` macro supports multiple classes in a single string:
  `<a class="button is-primary",>`.
  - Added `FetchOptions` to allow setting `Credentials` of `fetch` request.
  - `FetchService` aborts requests using `AbortController`.
  - Added `SubmitEvent` with `onsubmit` rule.

- #### 🛠 Fixes

  - Bug with emscripten target `RuntimeError: index out of bounds` fixed with a new scheduler [[@DenisKolodin], [#272]]

- #### 🚨 Breaking changes
  - `send_back` method requires a mutable reference to `self`. This was added to prevent creating callbacks in `view` implementations. [[@DenisKolodin], [#367]]
  - `Context` requirement removed. It's no longer necessary to use `Component<CTX>` type parameter. Instead, a link to the environment is provided with the `Component::create` call. [[@DenisKolodin], [#272]]

## **0.4** *(2018-06-01)*
## **0.3** *(2018-04-23)*
## **0.2** *(2018-01-08)*
## **0.1** *(2017-12-31)*

[Web Workers API]: