[][src]Crate yew_state

Location agnostic shared state for yew components.


Give your component GlobalHandle properties and wrap it with SharedStateComponent. This may be done for any T that implements Clone + Default.

struct Model {
    handle: GlobalHandle<T>,

impl Component for Model {
    type Properties = GlobalHandle<T>;

type MyComponent = SharedStateComponent<Model>;

Access current state with state.

let state: &T = self.handle.state();

Modify shared state from anywhere using reduce

// GlobalHandle<MyAppState>
self.handle.reduce(|state| state.user = new_user);

or from a callback with reduce_callback.

// GlobalHandle<usize>
let onclick = self.handle.reduce_callback(|state| *state += 1);
html! {
    <button onclick = onclick>{"+1"}</button>

reduce_callback_with provides the fired event.

let oninput = self
    .reduce_callback_with(|i: InputData, state| state.user.name = i.value);

html! {
    <input type="text" placeholder = "Enter your name" oninput = oninput />

Properties with Shared State

Get shared state in custom props with SharedState.

#[derive(Clone, Properties)]
pub struct Props {
    pub handle: GlobalHandle<AppState>,

impl SharedState for Props {
    type Handle = GlobalHandle<AppState>;

    fn handle(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Handle {
        &mut self.handle

State Persistence

Persistent storage requires that T also implement Serialize, Deserialize, and Storable.

use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
use yew_state::Storable;
use yew::services::storage::Area;

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct T;

impl Storable for T {
    fn key() -> &'static str {

    fn area() -> Area {
        // or Area::Session

Then use StorageHandle instead of GlobalHandle.



Wrapper for a component with shared state.



Primary shared state interface


Allows any Properties to have shared state.


Allows state to be stored persistently in local or session storage.

Type Definitions


Handle for basic shared state.


Handle for shared state with persistent storage.