yew-macro 0.9.0

A framework for making client-side single-page apps
This crate provides Yew's procedural macro `html!` which allows using JSX-like syntax for generating html and the `Properties` derive macro for deriving the `Properties` trait for components. The `html!` macro uses [proc_macro_hack]( in order to be used in the expression position. ``` # #[macro_use] extern crate yew; use yew::prelude::*; # struct Component; #[derive(Properties)] struct Props { #[props(required)] prop: String, }; # enum Msg { Submit } # # impl yew::Component for Component { # type Message = Msg; # type Properties = Props; # fn create(_: Self::Properties, _: ComponentLink) -> Self { # unimplemented!() # } # # fn update(&mut self, msg: Self::Message) -> ShouldRender { # unimplemented!() # } # } # # impl Renderable for Component { # fn view(&self) -> Html { # // ... html! {
} # # } # } # # fn main() {} ``` Please refer to []( for how to set this up.