ybc 0.2.1

A Yew component library based on the Bulma CSS framework.
We are all living beings, and what is most important is that we respect each other and work together. If you can not uphold this simple standard, then your contributions are not welcome.

## linting
We are using clippy & rustfmt. Clippy is SO GREAT! Rustfmt ... has a lot more growing to do; however, we are using it for uniformity.

Please be sure that you've configured your editor to use clippy & rustfmt, or execute them manually before submitting your code. CI will fail your PR if you do not.

## release workflow
We follow [semver](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html) for versioning this system.

- [ ] update `Cargo.toml` `version`.
- [ ] ensure CI completes successfully.
- [ ] add a new tag to the repo matching the new `Cargo.toml` `version`. Either via `git tag` or via the Github UI.
    - all release tags should start with the letter `v` followed by a semver version.
- [ ] CI is configured for release tags and will create a new Github release.
- [ ] once CI for the tag has finished successfully, update the new release page with details on the changes made, which should reflect the content of the `CHANGELOG.md`.