yazi 0.1.3

DEFLATE/zlib compression and decompression.

Yazi - Yet another zlib implementation

Yazi is a pure Rust implementation of the RFC 1950 DEFLATE specification with support for the zlib wrapper. It provides streaming compression and decompression.

Crates.io Docs.rs MIT licensed


Add this to your Cargo.toml:

yazi = "0.1.3"

The following demonstrates simple usage for compressing and decompressing in-memory buffers:

use yazi::*;
// Your source data.
let data = &(0..=255).cycle().take(8192).collect::<Vec<u8>>()[..];
// Compress it into a Vec<u8> with a zlib wrapper using the default compression level.
let compressed = compress(data, Format::Zlib, CompressionLevel::Default).unwrap();
// Decompress it into a Vec<u8>.
let (decompressed, checksum) = decompress(&compressed, Format::Zlib).unwrap();
// Verify the checksum.
assert_eq!(Adler32::from_buf(&decompressed).finish(), checksum.unwrap());
// Verify that the decompressed data matches the original.
assert_eq!(data, &decompressed[..]);

For detail on more advanced usage, see the full API documentation.