Crate yaxpeax_arch[][src]



a struct describing the differece between some pair of A: Address. this is primarily useful in describing the size of an instruction, or the relative offset of a branch.


a minimal enum implementing DecodeError. this is intended to be enough for a low effort, low-fidelity error taxonomy, without boilerplate of a DecodeError implementation.

a slightly less minimal enum DecodeError. similar to StandardDecodeError, this is an anti-boilerplate measure. it additionally provides IncompleteDecoder, making it suitable to represent error kinds for decoders that are … not yet complete.


a collection of associated type parameters that constitute the definitions for an instruction set. Arch provides an Instruction and its associated Operands, which is guaranteed to be decodable by this Arch::Decoder. Arch::Decoder can always be constructed with a Default implementation, and decodes from a Reader<Arch::Address, Arch::Word>.

the minimum set of errors a yaxpeax-arch disassembler may produce.

an interface to decode Arch::Instruction words from a reader of Arch::Words. errors are the architecture-defined DecodeError implemention.

instructions have lengths, and minimum possible sizes for advancing a decoder on error.