Crate yatlv[][src]

Yet Another Tag Length Value (YATLV) format.

Tag-length-value formats are a common way to exchange structured data in a compact and well defined way. They stand midway between schema rich formats (like JSON, YAML and XML) and compact binary formats that contain no schema information (like bincode).

One advantage of tag-length-value formats is they support better forwards compatibility than their schema less cousins because they contain just enough information for a parser to skip fields they do not recognise.

Unlike many tag-length-value formats no attempt is made to use variable length encodings to reduce the amount of space taken by the ‘length’. This does lead to larger encodings but simplifies the job of the parser and builder significantly.

Structure of the format:

packet-frame = frame-size frame
frame-size   = unsigned32
frame        = frame-format field-count *field
frame-format = 0x01
field-count  = unsigned32
field        = field-tag field-length field-value
field-tag    = unsigned16
field-length = unsigned32
field-value  = octet-array
unsigned16   = 0x0000-0xFFFF
unsigned32   = 0x00000000-0xFFFFFFFF
octet-array  = *0x00-0xFF


  • frame-format is always 0x01, but alternative formats may be added later
  • the number fields must match field-count
  • the length of field-value must match field-length.
  • unsigned-16 and unsigned-32 are encoded using big-endian.

The root frame can either be encoded as a frame or as a packet-frame. Encoding as a packet-frame is useful when sending frames across a stream.

Although applications can store arbitrary data in field-value the follow conventions should normally be observed:

  • numbers use big-endian encoding
  • boolean values are encoded using a single byte (0x00=false, 0xFF=true)
  • text is encoded as UTF-8

Reading and Writing

This library tries to make reading and writing reliable and not dependant on the values being written. To that end, the add_* methods for numbers always use the same number of bytes, irrespective of the actually values being written. Currently only add_data and add_str can add a variable number of bytes to the frame.

Reading attempts to be forward compatible, with the following guarantees:

  • Any number written by a smaller add_u* method can always be be safely read by a larger one. (e.g., a number written using add_u16 can be safely read usingget_u32).
  • Any number written by a larger add_u* method can be read by a smaller one if the value is small enough.

This means that when upgrading a program it should always be safe to increase the range of a field, but special handling is needed if the range of a field is going to decreased.



FrameBuilder can be used to push a frame into a mutable Vec<u8>


FrameParser can be used to access field encoded as a frame.


PacketBuilder can be used to push a packet-frame into a mutable Vec<u8>



Library Error Type



FrameBuilderLike defines the methods common to FrameBuilder and PacketFrameBuilder.

Type Definitions


Library Result Type